Fig. 2. Comparative neuroanatomy of the macaque monkey and rat frontal cortex.
Ventral (top) and medial (bottom) views of the macaque monkey (left) and rat (right) frontal cortex. The cytoarchitecture of each area is indicated by different color shading: granular (red), thin lightly granular (pink), dysgranular (orange), agranular (yellow) and allocortex (green). Inset showing areas 24, 32, and 25. Based on connectivity analyses, [33] proposed that the rostral portions of areas 24, 32, and 25 are most similar to primate ACC connectivity. We do not use Cg 1 and Cg 2 nomenclature (a dorsal-ventral distinction) for this reason. Adapted with permission from [125] and [147].