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. 2021 Nov 12;18(22):11870. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182211870

Table 1.

Sociodemographic Profiles of Participants (n = 237).

Characteristics n % Median (IQR)
     Male 72 30.4
     Female 165 69.6
Age in years 21.00 (3.0)
     19 37 15.6
     20 46 19.4
     21 37 15.6
     22 35 14.8
     23 45 19.0
     24 34 14.3
     25 2 0.8
     26 0 0
     27 1 0.4
     Muslim 237 100
     Malay 235 99.2
     Chinese 0 0
     Indian 1 0.4
     Others 1 0.4
Marital status
     Single 234 98.7
     Married 3 1.3
     Divorced 0 0
     Rural 96 40.5
     Urban 141 59.5
Parental household income
     <RM 2000 34 14.3
     >RM 2000 203 85.7
Academic years
     Pre-clinical 119 50.2
     Clinical 118 49.8
Supplementary exam
     Yes 9 3.8
     No 228 96.2
Total screen time (hours/day)
     <7 h 46 19.4
     >7 h 191 80.6
Type of gadget
     Computer 18 7.6
     Laptop 218 92.0
     Smartphone 236 99.6
     Tablets 100 42.1
     Video game console 21 8.9
Ownership of gadget
     Personally owned 232 97.9
     Shared with others 5 2.1
Internet accessibility
     At home 237 100
     Library 32 13.5
     Cybercafé 7 3.0
     Hostel 140 59.1
     Faculty 125 52.7
     Public areas 71 30.0
Purpose(s) of using internet
     Education 57 24.1
     Social networking 228 96.2
     Online gaming 89 37.6
     Internet chatting 234 98.7
     Online shopping 187 78.9
     Blogs 25 10.5
     Sexual activities 3 1.3
     Surfing for leisure 144 60.8
     Email 160 67.5
Social media ownership
     Facebook 200 84.4
     Twitter 147 62.0
     Instagram 217 91.6
     WhatsApp 234 98.7
     YouTube 190 80.2
     WeChat 6 2.5
     Others 56 23.6
Video game genre
     Not playing video game 95 41.4
     MMORPG 57 24.1
     Action/adventure 35 14.8
     First-person shooter 46 19.4
     Sports 24 10.1
     Rhythm 18 7.6
     Driving 25 10.5
     Real time strategy 48 10.2
     Puzzle 58 24.5
     Board & card games 38 16.0
     Gambling 5 2.1

Abbreviations: RM, Malaysian Ringgit; MMORPG, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.