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. 2021 Oct 25;10(11):2294. doi: 10.3390/plants10112294

Table 6.

Growth parameters of the sesame genotypes as influenced by waterlogging stress at different growth stages.

Studied Factors PH NL/P NB/P SFW SDW RFW RDW
Genotype (G)
BD-7008 93.25 b 20.91 b 8.50 a 20.01 a 2.65 b 3.55 a 0.74 b
BD-6985 98.66 a 23.67 a 8.91 a 20.54 a 2.85 a 3.00 b 0.79 a
BD-6996 68.33 c 18.41 c 6.91b 17.47 b 2.45 c 2.51 c 0.60 c
JP-01811 70.75 c 18.33 c 7.25 b 16.98 b 2.39 c 2.49 c 0.58 c
p-value (G) <0.001 0.018 0.021 0.05 0.016 0.005 0.011
Waterlogging growth stage (W)
Control 88.17 a 23.67 a 10.16 a 21.80 a 3.00 a 3.17 a 0.76 a
30 DAS 76.75 d 16.83 d 6.00 c 15.77 d 2.37 c 2.58 c 0.58 c
40 DAS 85.17 b 21.16 b 8.41 b 19.64 b 2.61 b 2.81 b 0.70 ab
50 DAS 80.92 c 19.67 c 7.00 c 17.77 c 2.36 c 2.99 ab 0.68 b
p-value (W) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 0.002
Interaction (G×W)
BD-7008 Control 97.00 a 24.33 a 11.00 a 23.40 a 3.18 a 3.80 a 0.81 a
30 DAS 90.00 b 17.66 c 6.33 c 16.76 d 2.32 c 3.18 c 0.56 c
40 DAS 95.33 a 21.66 b 9.33 b 21.40 b 2.77 b 3.46 bc 0.88 a
50 DAS 90.67 b 20.00 b 7.33 c 18.50 c 2.33 c 3.75 ab 0.71 b
BD-6985 Control 104.67 a 28.00 a 11.66 a 24.30 a 3.49 a 3.49 a 0.93 a
30 DAS 91.33 c 19.00 d 6.66 c 17.10 c 2.54 c 2.53 c 0.69 d
40 DAS 102.00 a 25.33 b 9.66 b 21.93 b 2.81 b 2.90 b 0.80 b
50 DAS 96.67 b 22.33 c 7.66 c 18.83 c 2.55 c 3.06 b 0.74 c
BD-6996 Control 72.33 a 21.33 a 8.66 a 20.50 a 2.69 a 2.75 a 0.65 a
30 DAS 64.67 c 15.66 c 5.33 d 14.80 d 2.32 c 2.33 c 0.51 b
40 DAS 69.00 b 18.66 b 7.33 bc 17.76 b 2.44 b 2.44 bc 0.61ab
50 DAS 67.33 b 18.00 b 6.33 cd 16.83 c 2.35 c 2.54 b 0.64 a
JP-01811 Control 78.67 a 21.00 a 9.33 a 19.03 a 2.64 a 2.64 a 0.64 a
30 DAS 61.00 d 15.00 c 5.66 d 14.40 d 2.31 bc 2.27 c 0.56 b
40 DAS 74.33 b 19.00 ab 7.33 bc 17.46 b 2.42 b 2.44 bc 0.51 b
50 DAS 69.00 c 18.33 b 6.66 cd 16.93 c 2.20 c 2.61 ab 0.61 ab
p-value (G×W) <0.001 0.001 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.004 0.001

PH is plant height (cm); NL/P is the number of leaves per plant; NB/P is the number of branches per plant; SFW is shoot fresh weight (g); SDW is shoot dry weight (g); RFW is root fresh weight (g); and RDW is root dry weight (g). Means followed by different letters under the same trait indicate significant differences by LSD (p < 0.01).