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. 2021 Oct 25;10(11):2294. doi: 10.3390/plants10112294

Table 7.

Yield-contributing traits of sesame genotypes as influenced by waterlogging stress at different growth stages.

Studied Factors NP/P NS/P TGW DFS DM SY
Genotype (G)
BD-7008 35.75 a 66.83 c 8.66 a 57.41 b 76.66 c 0.87 b
BD-6985 35.66 a 68.83 a 9.08 a 58.33 a 78.41 a 0.96 a
BD-6996 35.75 a 68.17 ab 7.41 b 57.08 bc 77.58 b 0.72 c
JP-01811 35.50 a 67.75 bc 7.66 b 56.91 c 76.91 bc 0.70 c
p-value 0.048 0.021 0.031 0.008 0.004 0.001
Waterlogging growth stage (W)
Control 37.08 a 71.08 a 10.16 a 59.75 a 79.75 a 1.01 a
30 DAS 34.08 c 65.33 d 7.08 c 55.66 d 75.33 c 0.68 c
40 DAS 36.08 ab 68.33 b 8.41 b 57.91 b 77.83 b 0.82 b
50 DAS 35.16 bc 66.83 c 7.20 c 56.41 c 76.66 bc 0.73 b
p-value 0.035 0.005 0.022 0.019 0.014 0.001
Interaction (G×W)
BD-7008 Control 37.33 a 70.66 a 11.00 a 60.66 a 80.66 a 1.13 a
30 DAS 34.66 b 65.00 b 7.00 c 55.66 c 74.33 c 0.69 c
40 DAS 35.33 b 66.00 b 9.30 b 58.00 b 76.66 b 0.86 b
50 DAS 34.66 b 65.66 b 7.33 c 55.33 c 75.00 c 0.81 b
BD-6985 Control 37.00 a 72.66 a 11.66 a 61.33 a 81.00 a 1.11 a
30 DAS 33.66 c 66.00 c 7.33 c 56.00 d 76.66 c 0.85 c
40 DAS 36.66 a 69.66 b 9.66 b 58.66 b 78.33 b 1.00 b
50 DAS 35.33 b 67.00 bc 7.66 c 57.33 c 77.66 b 0.86 c
BD-6996 Control 36.66 a 70.66 a 8.66 a 58.66 a 79.00 a 0.86 a
30 DAS 34.66 b 65.00 c 6.66 b 55.33 c 75.33 c 0.64 d
40 DAS 36.00 a 69.00 b 7.33 b 57.66 ab 78.66 a 0.72 bc
50 DAS 35.66 ab 68.00 b 7.0 b 56.66 b 77.33 b 0.67 c
JP-01811 Control 37.33 a 70.33 a 9.33 a 58.33 a 78.33 a 0.94 a
30 DAS 33.33 c 65.33 c 7.33 b 55.66 c 75.00 c 0.57 c
40 DAS 36.33 a 68.66 b 7.33 b 57.33 ab 77.66 ab 0.71 b
50 DAS 35.00 b 66.66 c 6.66 b 56.33 bc 76.66 b 0.58 c
p-value 0.018 0.041 0.021 0.037 0.011 0.048

NP/P is the number of pods per plant; NS/P is the number of seeds per pod; TGW is the 1000-seed weight (g); DFS is days to fruit set (days); DM is days to maturity (days); and SY is seed yield (g/plant). Means followed by different letters under the same trait indicate significant differences by LSD (p < 0.01).