Figure 2.
GSLs contents in leaves from kale (Boa) (a), cabbage (Boc) (b), leafy rape (Bn) (c) and leafy turnip (Br) (d) without inoculation and inoculated with T. hamatum (+Th). GIB: glucoiberin, SIN: sinigrin, PRO: progoitrin, ALY: glucoalyssin, GNA: gluconapin, GBS: glucobrassicin, MeOH: metoxy-glucobrassicin, NeoGBS: neoglucobrassicin, GNT: gluconasturtiin. Data are the mean of 10 plants for each crop and condition with the corresponding standard deviation. Student’s t-test was performed between uninoculated and Trichoderma-inoculated plants for each GSL. Asterisks denote significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 (*).