Comparison of analytical calculations using the LEM and results from RITRACKS simulations. (a) radial dose for a carbon ion, 290 MeV/n, calculated by RITRACKS, the LEM (Equation (3)) and the LEM with a factor 0.5 applied. (b) dose to spherical targets as a function of the impact parameter for one single 290 MeV/n carbon track (dots), and LEM prediction (lines), for targets of radius 0.5, 1, and 2 μm. (c) calculations of indirect dose in targets of radius 1, 2, and 3 μm, calculated by RITRACKS (dots) and compared with analytical LEM calculations (lines). For this simulation, a disk surface of radius rm was irradiated uniformly by 290 MeV/n carbon tracks. For the LEM results, a radial dose multiplicative factor of 0.5 was applied. The calculations were conducted without PBC.