Figure 3.
Correlation between gene expression and heart perfusion, metabolic and functional parameters. Above the graphs: SYN1-PET/CT scans of mice in the abdominal and lateral positions. FDG-PET-PET scans of the same mouse in the abdominal and lateral positions. MRI imaging— heart scans in three planes. Red circles indicate visible losses of marker accumulation and places of myocardial impairment. SYN1, [18F]-FDG and MRI parameters (LV EF, LVEDV, LV mass) have been correlated with expression pattern of selected genes (Serpinb1c, Nupr1, Trem2, Tnc and Aldob). For each correlation, a linear regression analysis was performed. Charts include 95% CI (dashed line). Values p ≤ 0.1 are considered to be significant. Detailed data discussion in the main text.