Figure 2.
HAADF-STEM images of Pd–Cu alloy NCs supported on Al2O3 and corresponding EDX maps for Cu and Pd after (a) oxidizing and (b) reducing treatments; (c) azimuthally integrated, background-subtracted SAED patterns after oxidation and reduction in comparison to Pd–Cu NCs (reference patterns: Pd1Cu1 ICSD 103082 (black line), Pd1O1 ICSD 24692 (green line), and γ-Al2O3 ICSD 100425 (red line)). The reference pattern for Cu0.3Pd0.7O was calculated by modifying the tetragonal cell of PdO (ICSD 24692). The new cell had Cu and Pd ions with fractional occupancies (0.3 and 0.7, respectively) in the sites of Pd ions and parameters, a = b = 3.005 Å and c = 5.29 Å, calculated according to the plots in ref (45) for CuxPd1–xO, with x = 0.3).