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. 2021 Apr 29;53(1):79–90. doi: 10.1177/15500594211009065

Table 1.

Main Characteristics of the Included Studies.

Study EG/CG BCI modality Experimental intervention Control intervention Intervention period Feature Stroke phase MI/IM Outcome measures Follow-up (weeks)
Ang et al 37 6/8 HK/7SAT EEG BCI-HK 1 h BCI + 30 min TAAM HK:1 h HK + 30 min TAAM; SAT:1.5 h TAAM 6 weeks, 18 sessions FBCSP Chronic MI FMA-UE 24
Ang et al 9 11/14 EEG BCI-MIT-Manus robot 1.5 h 136 repetitions MIT-Manus robot 1.5 h 1040 repetitions 4 weeks, 12 sessions FBCSP Chronic MI FMA-UE 12
Ang et al. 10 10/9 EEG 20 min tDCS + 1 h BCI- MIT-Manus robot 20 min sham tDCS + 1 h sham BCI 2 weeks, 10 sessions FBCSP Chronic MI FMA-UE 4
Biasiucci et al 17 14/13 EEG BCI-FES 1 h Sham BCI-FES 1 h 5 weeks, 10 sessions Band power Chronic IM FMA-UE, ESS, MRC, MAS 36
Cheng et al 42 5/5 EEG BCI-assisted soft robotic glove 90 min + 30 min SAT Soft robotic glove 90 min + 30 min SAT 6 weeks, 18 sessions FBCSP Chronic MI FMA-UE, ARAT 24
Frolov et al 39 36/11 EEG BCI-exoskeleton 30 min + SPT Sham BCI 30 min 2 weeks, 10 sessions Band power Chronic MI FMA-UE, ARAT N/A
Kim et al 40 15/15 EEG BCI-FES 30 min + 30 min AOT AOT 30 min 4 weeks, 12 sessions BCI. 20 sessions AOT Band power Chronic IM FMA-UE, MAL, MBI N/A
Li et al 8 7ne;7nc EEG BCI-FES 1–1.5 h + CON FES 20 min + CON 8 weeks, 24 sessions BCI/FES and 40 sessions CON CSP Subacute MI FMA-UE, ARAT N/A
Mihara et al 12 10/10 fNIRS BCI-visual feedback 20 min + 120 min NDT Sham BCI 20 min + 120 min NDT 2 weeks, 6 sessions BCI/Sham, 14 sessions NDT Band power Subacute MI FMA-UE, ARAT, MAL 2
Pichiorri et al 41 14/14 EEG BCI-virtual hand 1 h MI, 1 h 4 weeks, 12 sessions Band power Subacute MI FMA-UE N/A
Ramos-Murguialday et al 11 16/16 EEG BCI-orthosis 1 h + 1 h BPT Sham BCI-orthosis 1 h + 1 h BPT 4 weeks, 20 sessions Band power Chronic IM FMA-UE GAS, MAL 26
Wu et al 13 14/11 EEG BCI-exoskeleton 1 h + 1 h routine training Routine training 2 h 4 weeks, 20 sessions Band power Subacute MI FMA-UE ARAT, WMFT N/A

Abbreviations: AOT, action observational training; ARAT, action research arm test; BCI, brain–computer Interface; BPT, behavioral physical therapy; CG, control group; CON, conventional therapy; CSP, common spatial pattern; EG, experimental group; EES, European stroke scale score; GAS, goal attainment scale; FBCSP, filter bank common spatial pattern; fNIRS, functional near-infrared spectroscopy; FES, functional electrical stimulation; FMA-UE, Fugl-Meyer assessment upper extremity; IM, intention of movement; HK, haptic knob; MAL, motor activity long; MAS, modified Ashworth scale; MBI, modified Barthel index; MI, motor imagery; MRC, medical research council; N/A, not available; NDT, neurodevelopmental treatment; SAT, standard activity therapy; SPT, standard physical therapy; TAAM, therapist-assisted arm mobilization; tDCS, transcranial direct-current stimulation; WMFT, Wolf motor function test.