(a) Phylogenomic NJ tree made with the 71,040 filtered biallelic SNPs produced with whole genome resequencing data. Taxa names encode the subspecies (OEL, for Olea europaea subsp. laperrinei; OEG, Olea europaea subsp. guanchica; OES, Olea europaea var. sylvestris and OEE, Olea europaea subsp. europaea), country of origin, also with different colors [ALB (red), Albania; ALG (orange), Algeria; CRO (yellow), Croatia; GRE (light green), Greece; IRA (green), Iran; ISR (green-blue), Israel; ITA (light blue), Italy; MOR (blue), Morocco; SPA (purple), Spain; SYR (light purple), Syria and TUR (pink), Turkey] and variety name (n = 51). Bootstrap values are in cursive over their respective nodes. Target samples (Vouves Bottom and Top) have been marked with an asterisk (b) UPGMA similarity dendrogram of 12 present-day Greek cvs, the two Vouves samples and one “ancient” olive-tree genotype based on Jaccard’s index (n = 16). Distances based on Jaccard’s index are indicated on each branch of the tree. Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. and G. Don) Cif. (denoted as OEC) was employed as an outgroup. Other taxa names correspond to the Olea europaea subsp. europaea (OEE) cvs (data from [36] reprocessed within the framework of present study). Distances are indicated above each tree branch.