Alpha-diversity indexes, beta-diversity and longitudinal modulation of microbiota and mycobiota according to the evolution of verbal memory, at six months after bariatric surgery. Fecal samples were collected the day before surgery and six months after bariatric surgery (BS). (A,B) show respectively the alpha-diversity indexes and beta-diversity in post-BS, according to an improvement or not of AVLT score at six months post-BS. Beta diversity, which assesses differences in microbiota composition between samples according to lung function at baseline, using a Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination method with Bray–Curtis distance metric. (C) shows the longitudinal evolution of bacterial microbiota using GAMLSS-BEZI models, according to an improvement or not of AVLT score at six months post-BS. (D–F) illustrate the same parameters for the mycobiota.