Figure 1.
Effect of virus infection on solid media laccase (smLAC) activity of four Cryphonectria parasitica isolates when grown on (A) potato dextrose agar and (B) malt extract agar. Results in (A) are represented as mean virus effect (VE) value (difference between each triplicate measurement of HV isolate LAC activity and the mean of the corresponding isogenic VIR isolate LAC activity, given as a percentage of the performances of the VIR isolate) ± standard error. Results in (B) are in logarithmic scale. An asterisk (*) denotes virus-infected cultures with smLAC values significantly different from the corresponding VIR fungal isolate. Letters denote statistical differences between different virus strains infecting the same fungal isolate at p < 0.05. NA = not applicable to the statistical comparison of virus strains due to only one fungus/virus combination. The VE in EP155/EP713 (A) and L14/HK27 and L14/CR23 (B) amounted to zero, as in both VIR and HV fungi the smLAC activity was zero.