Figure 9.
PCoA ordination triplots denoting the relationship of bacterial genera (yellow arrow), functional pathways (green arrow), and physicochemical properties of the samples (red arrow) with the sampling period (orange triangles denote the initial period, purple circles denote the mid period, and blue stars denote the long period) using CANOCO 5. Arrows indicate directions of maximum variation of environmental variables; the length of the arrows indicates their importance. Abbreviations used in the figure are as follows: 5DE: (5Z)-dodec-5-enoate biosynthesis; PB: palmitoleate biosynthesis I; OB: oleate biosynthesis IV; DE: 4-deoxy-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranuronate degradation; GX: super pathway of glucose and xylose degradation; SB: stearate biosynthesis II; U7: ubiquinol-7 biosynthesis; U8: ubiquinol-8 biosynthesis; U9: ubiquinol-9 biosynthesis; U10: ubiquinol-10 biosynthesis; TA: total alkalinity; TDS: total dissolved solids. Mv-NsD1, Mv-NsD4, and Mv-NsD8: initial period; Mv-NsD96: mid period; Mv-NsD150: long period.