Figure 1.
Synthetic lethal research using a CRISPR KO library. (a) Synthetic lethal gene detection with gene A using CRISPR (KO) library. Gene A mutated cells (square cells) containing red and purple gRNA induce cell death alongside the culture. Red and purple gRNA are synthetic lethal genes with a gene A mutation. While blue gRNA, which induced cell death in gene A wild type and gene A-mutated cells, is an essential gene for both cells and not a synthetic lethal gene. (b) Synthetic lethal gene detection with drug B using CRISPR KO library. Cells containing pink and green gRNA induce cell death under drug B treatment. Pink and green gRNA are synthetic lethal genes with drug B treatment, while ocher gRNA, which induced cell death alongside the culture, is an essential gene for cells and not a synthetic lethal gene.