Figure 3.
HPLC analysis of changes in SM spectra and agar-well diffusion test of emerging antimicrobial activity in the co-cultures compared to the pure cultures. (a) S. sp. FXJ1.4112 co-cultured with MACB produced “new” metabolites (blue shadowed) and strong antibacterial activity against E. coli; (b) S. sp. FXJ1.4106 co-cultured with MACB produced a series of “new” metabolites (blue shadowed) and strong antibacterial activity against M. luteus; (c) S. sp. FXJ1.235 co-cultured with MACB produced a higher yield of the original metabolite (yellow shadowed; the integral area of HPLC peaks was over twice that of control) and strong antibacterial activity against M. luteus; (d) FXJ1.4094 co-cultured with MACB produced a series of “new” metabolites (blue shadowed) and strong antifungal activity against T. viride. Antimicrobial activity was estimated by measuring the diameter of the inhibition zones: positive (7 mm [hole diameter] < diameter ≤ 9 mm) and strongly positive (diameter > 9 mm).