Monitoring of [Ca2+]cyt in response to hydrogen peroxide, nitrite, and nitrate at the same doses as those measured in the PAW at 1:2 dilution. Ca2+ measurement assays were conducted in aequorin-expressing Arabidopsis seedlings. At 100 s (arrowheads) seedlings were challenged separately with: (a) 8.7 µM H2O2 (green trace); (b) 520.1 µM NO2− (provided as K+ salt, yellow trace; provided as Na+ salt, orange trace); (c) 264.2 µM NO3− (provided as K+ salt, red trace; provided as Na+ salt, brown trace); and (d) a solution (mix) containing all the above chemicals (with NO2− and NO3− provided as K+ salt, grey trace; with NO2−_and NO3− provided as Na+ salt, black trace). Data are the means (solid lines) ± SE (shading) of six different seedlings derived from three independent growth replicates.