Potential circulating tumor cells (CTCs) could be enriched from head and neck cancer patient blood. (A) Clinical parameters and numbers of detected CTCs for three patients suffering from hypo- or oropharyngeal cancers including lymph node metastases. (B) 7.5 mL of patient blood was mixed with EpCAM-coupled T1 beads and placed into the IsoMAG unit for automatic enrichment of CTCs. For cell counting, enriched cells were stained with Hoechst dye, cytokeratin (panCK-PE), and CD45-FITC antibodies and quantified by fluorescence microscopy. [Hoechst+/CD45−/panCK+] cells were classified as potential CTCs, [Hoechst+/CD45+/panCK−] cells as leukocytes (WBC). Scale bar, 10 µm.