Assessment of GILZ expression levels in skin DC subsets upon acute inflammation. (a) A FITC solution was applied on the shaved right flanks of mice. After 15 h, skin from both the right (+FITC) and left (-FITC) flanks was collected and digested to obtain cell suspensions for flow cytometry analysis. For each mouse, the skin from the left-untreated flank served as control for the right-treated flank. (b) Gating strategy for skin LC, CD103− cDC1, CD103+ cDC1, cDC2 and double negative (DN) DC identification among alive single cells after CD3+ T lymphocytes and CD64+ macrophages exclusion. (c) GILZ expression levels in skin DC subsets. Data were normalized relative to FITC− LCs and are expressed as median with interquartile range of normalized delta MFIs. Open symbols represent the values for individual mice. For LCs, there were not enough cells for MFI analysis for one or two samples, therefore only 5 and 6 symbols are depicted for FITC− and FITC+ LCs respectively. The results are from 2 independent experiments with a total of n = 7 mice (male mice, C57BL/6J background). Statistical analysis was performed using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test to compare GILZ levels in DC subsets from non-treated and FITC-treated flanks. Significance was defined as: p < 0.05 *.