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. 2021 Oct 29;10(11):2625. doi: 10.3390/foods10112625

Table 3.

Mean color parameter values, humidity, and culinary uses (according to Coyago et al., (2017) [32] and The-Plant-List, (2019) [33]) of lilac and blue flowers.

Samples Family Species Common name Culinary use Humidity (%) L* a* b* C*ab hab
Lilac flowers
97 Amaryllidaceae Allium schoenoprasum L. Chives Salad, garrison 74.820 ± 0.222 20.333 ± 3.502 2.915 ± 0.126 −0.147 ± 0.001 2.983 ± 0.119 359.606 ± 0.012
98 Apocynaceae Catharanthus roseus L. Vinca rosea Non-edible 87.648 ± 1.291 54.233 ± 2.573 30.217 ± 2.145 −18.707 ± 1.692 35.553 ± 2.139 328.223 ± 1.971
99 Asteraceae Centaurea seridis L. Spiny broom na 93.516 ± 0.883 na na na na na
100 Asteraceae Cichorium intybus L. Chicory of Brussels Salad, tea 98.378 ± 0.283 na na na na na
101 Asteraceae Osteospermun fruticosum Norl. Cape margarita Tea 82.523 ± 0.317 47.673 ± 2.091 29.153 ± 0.459 −15.303 ± 0.110 32.927 ± 0.379 332.286 ± 0.488
102 Brassicaceae Alyssum montanum L. Garlic herb Infusion 81.159 ± 0.395 na na na na na
103 Campanulaceae Campanula carpatica Jacq. Little bell na 85.496 ± 0.152 na na na na na
104 Geraniaceae Pelargonium domesticum Bailey Real geranium Salad, desserts 92.894 ± 0.800 58.660 ± 4.038 25.157 ± 1.518 −12.213 ± 0.319 31.101 ± 1.325 335.566 ± 1.634
105 Geraniaceae Pelargonium × hortorum Bailey Common geranium Salad, desserts 83.186 ± 0.001 38.290 ± 2.736 53.403 ± 1.538 −11.497 ± 0.678 54.633 ± 1.355 167.827 ± 1.051
106 Lamiaceae Mentha ×piperita L. Peppermint Salad, garrison 94.503 ± 0.063 na na na na na
107 Lamiaceae Ocimum basilicum L. Basil Salad, tea 89.677 ± 1.222 41.423 ± 1.120 6.436 ± 0.311 −4.879 ± 0.921 8.124 ± 0.343 322.701 ± 4.206
108 Malvaceae Hibiscus syriacus L. Rose of Syria Salad, tea 70.778 ± 0.747 53.743 ± 0.282 18.460 ± 1.136 −12.697 ± 0.616 22.407 ± 1.202 325.356 ± 0.302
109 Nyctaginaceae Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Bougainvillea Infusion 86.967 ± 1.558 50.753 ± 0.741 6.963 ± 1.002 1.790 ± 0.310 7.309 ± 0.911 16.291 ± 3.413
110 Plumbaginaceae Limonium sinuatum (L.) Miller Always alive Additive 91.656 ± 0.184 na na na na na
111 Polygonaceae Fallopia aubertii (L. Henry) Holub Gabriela falloppio na 99.350 ± 1.200 na na na na na
112 Solanaceae Petunia hybrida Vilm. Petunia Salad, desserts 86.068 ± 0.315 69.300 ± 0.566 9.533 ± 1.230 −4.087 ± 1.287 10.390 ± 0.346 337.496 ± 1.963
113 Solanaceae Solanum rantonnetti Carrière Blue flower solano Infusion 83.018 ± 0.126 na na na na na
114 Verbenaceae Verbena × hybrid G. & Rümpler Verbena Salad, garrison 84.238 ± 1.282 41.367 ± 1.086 6.397 ± 0.303 −4.913 ± 0.949 8.081 ± 0.379 322.707 ± 4.156
115 Verbenaceae Vitex agnus-castus L. Chilli pepper Infusion 82.257 ± 0.666 33.417 ± 1.246 9.887 ± 1.320 −14.997 ± 2.539 17.967 ± 2.844 303.628 ± 1.419
Blue flowers
116 Amaryllidaceae Agapanthus africanus Hoffmanns African lily Infusion 82.523 ± 5.401 57.173 ± 2.173 4.543 ± 0.162 −15.723 ± 1.030 16.367 ± 0.233 286.099 ± 0.508
117 Convolvulaceae Convolvulus althaeoides L. Bell of the virgin Non-edible 89.100 ± 0.172 61.887 ± 1.980 12.333 ± 1.512 −3.312 ± 0.001 12.709 ± 1.520 345.099 ± 1.657
118 Gesneriaceae Saintpaulia ionantha Wendland African violet Salad 89.577 ± 0.065 na na na na na
119 Goodeniaceae Scaevola aemula R. Bronw Flower fan Infusion 93.812 ± 0.273 36.913 ± 1.770 8.497 ± 0.619 0.539 ± 0.016 8.431 ± 0.623 3.380 ± 0.521
120 Lamiaceae Agastachefoeniculum Kuntze Anise hyssop Salad, desserts 79.731 ± 0.288 na na na na na
121 Lamiaceae Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Lavender Infusion 88.511 ± 0.173 37.582 ± 1.607 8.8977 ± 0.639 −12.101 ± 0.812 15.026 ± 0.922 306.212 ± 0.144
122 Lamiaceae Rosmarinus officinalis L. Rosemary Garrison, desserts 89.483 ± 0.211 na na na na na
123 Passiofloraceae Passiflora × belotti Flower of the passion Tea 97.826 ± 0.742 na na na na na
124 Polygonaceae Polygala vulgaris L. Common sparrow Infusion 88.391 ± 0.364 49.780 ± 1.113 17.963 ± 1.319 −10.847 ± 2.043 21.006 ± 1.320 329.058 ± 3.214
125 Solanaceae Petunia × hybrida Vilm. Petunia Salad, desserts 83.425 ± 0.779 23.210 ± 1.458 23.027 ± 1.216 −25.717 ± 1.197 34.519 ± 1.703 311.811 ± 0.177

na, not available.