(a) Distribution of 61 miRNA families identified in 1A-QTL homologs among wheat genotypes, barley, rye, and rice. Each number indicates the number of miRNA families identified in each cereal species that are shared (or not) with the others. Three miRNA families were shown to be shared among all analyzed species, whereas eight miRNAs were conserved in wheat, barley, and rye. (b) Distribution of 24 miRNA families identified in 4A-QTL homologs among wheat genotypes, barley, and rye. The number of miRNA families identified in each cereal and the number of miRNA families common to each other are indicated by each number. Due to smaller chromosome subsequences, 4A-QTL yielded relatively fewer miRNA families compared to other QTLs. Among 24 miRNA families, wheat and rye share 13 miRNA families, whereas barley has 6 common miRNA families with wheat.