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. 2021 Nov 20;18(22):12203. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182212203

Table 5.

List of included studies: design, aim, number of MI and NMI, age range, migrants assessed characteristics.

Study Design and Aim Number of MI Number of NMI Age Range MI Assessed Characteristics
Aarabi et al. 2018 (Hamburg, Germany) [34] Cross-sectional 61 51 ≥60 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, religious affiliation, family status, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: education, professional status, monthly net income
Agudelo-Suárez et al. 2019 (Spain) [35] Cross-sectional analysis from a prospective cohort study 300 101 12–17
Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: education, marital status, social class (manual, non-manual)
Al Haboubi et al. 2013 (London, UK) [36] Cross-sectional 229 466 ≥16 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: social grade
Arora et al. 2019 (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) [37] Cross-sectional 624 10,435 ≥16 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: household tenure, education level, number of household members
Delgado-Angulo et al. 2018 (East London, UK) [38] Cross-sectional 1036 874 16–65 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
SEP: education, professional status
Dujister et al. 2015 (Netherlands) [39] Cross-sectional 57 35 5 and 6 Sociodemographic status *: children age, children gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: parents’ education level, family income, relationship status
Erdsiek et al. 2017 (Germany) [40] Cross-sectional 3404 18,337 ≥18 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender
Socioeconomic status **: type of health insurance, measurement and categorization of Lampert et al. [59] → education level, occupational status, net equivalent income
Ferrazzano et al. 2019 (Naples, Italy) [41] Cross-sectional 183 370 12–14 Sociodemographic status *: country of origin and other not specified
Socioeconomic status **: family’s annual income
Freiberg et al. 2020 (Halle, Germany) [56] Retrospective longitudinal 475 asylum seekers / No age
Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Gatou et al. 2011 (Greece) [42] Cross-sectional 739 4377 5–12 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, place of residence
Socioeconomic status **: area-based income
Goetz et al. 2018 (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) [43] Cross-sectional 102 refugees in reception centers/collective living quarters / 16–64 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Høyvik et al. 2019 (Norway) [44] Cross-sectional 132 refugees/asylum seekers / >18 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: education level
Jacobsson et al. 2011 (Jönköping, Sweden) [45] Cross-sectional 154 585 3/5/10/15 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: education level
Julihn et al. 2010 (Sweden) [57] Retrospective longitudinal 1378 14,160 13 and 19 (6 years of follow-up) Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: parents’ marital status, parents’ education level, social welfare allowance, family income
Julihn et al. 2021 (Sweden) [58] Prospective longitudinal 10,180 44,491 3 and 7 (4 years of follow-up) Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: parents’ marital status, parents’ education level, social welfare allowance, family income
Marcenes et al. 2013 (Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham, London, England) [46] Cross-sectional 89% of 2434 included subjects 10,94% of 2434 included subjects 3–4 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Mattila et al. 2016 (Finland) [47] Cross-sectional 9 asylum seekers
29 migrants studying at the Oulu Adult Education Centre and PASK-Adult Education Centre
/ 17–53 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: education level
Mustafa et al. 2020 (Norway) [48] Cross-sectional 466 / Mothers and fathers of 0–6 months old children Sociodemographic status *: parental age, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: parents’ education level, employment status
Portero de la Cruz et al. 2020 (Spain) [49] Cross-sectional 253 4315 3–14 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: type of household social class, size of town of residence
Riatto et al. 2018 (Melilla, Spain) [50] Cross-sectional 156 Syrian refgees children living at the Center for Temporary Stay of MI / 5–13 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, religious affiliation country of origin
Rouxel et al. 2017 (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) [51] Cross-sectional 1460 7081 5/8/12/15 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, output area classification, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), analysis of children’s school (deprived or not deprived school, eligibility for free school meals)
Solyman et al. 2018 (Berlin, Germany) [52] Cross-sectional 386 refugees living in reception centers/shelters/private practices / 18–60 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: education level
Van der Tas et al. 2017 (Netherlands) [53] Cross-sectional 1618 3446 6 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: parental education level, parental employment status, net household income, single parenting teenage pregnancy
Van Meljeen-van Lunteren et al. 2019 (Rotterdam, Netherlands) [54] Cross-sectional 611 2510 9 Sociodemographic status *: age, gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: maternal education level, household income, generational status
Wigen et al. 2010 (Norway) [55] Cross-sectional 70 453 5 Sociodemographic status *: parents’ age/gender, country of origin
Socioeconomic status **: parents’ education level

MI = migrants; NMI = non migrants; SEP = socio-economic position. * Sociodemographic characteristics: age/gender/religious affiliation/country of origin. ** Socioeconomic characteristics: education level/social class/marital status/net income/professional status.