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. 2021 Nov 20;18(22):12203. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182212203

Table 6.

MI and NMI country of birth, quantitative oral health indicators (QnOHI) and data collection of the included studies.

Study MI Country of Birth NMI Country of Birth QnOHI Data Collection
Aarabi et al. 2018 [34] 36: Europe
25: Africa/Asia/America
51: Germany • DMFT according to Barmes [60] Clinical oral examination
Agudelo-Suárez et al. 2019 [35] 126: Ecuador
122: Colombia
52: Morocco
101: Spain / /
Al Haboubi et al. 2013 [36] 193: Africa/Caribbean/Other
36: India/Bangladesh/Pakistan/Other
466: British/Irish/Other / /
Arora et al. 2017 [37] 272: India
165: Pakistan or Bangladesh
187: Black
10.435: White British
  • Presence of natural teeth

  • Presence of filled teeth

  • Presence of denture

ADHS 2009 Model [61]
Delgado-Angulo et al. 2018 [38] 1036: Africa/Caribbean/Pakistan/India/Bangladesh/Asia 874: UK • DMFT Clinical oral examination following UK ADHS protocol 1998 [62]
Dujister et al. 2015 [39] 31: Morocco
26: Turkey
35: Netherlands • DMFT Records from the pediatric dental center in the Haque (Netherlands): data were collected performing clinical oral examination
Erdsiek et al. 2017 [40] 3404: MI 18337: Germany / /
Ferrazzano et al. 2019 [41] 183: Eastern Europe/Asia/Africa/Turkey/South and Central America 370: Italy • DMFT Clinical oral examination
Freiberg et al. 2020 [56] 187: Syria
46: Afghanistan
38: Iran
29: Somalia
21: Guinea-Bissau
21: Russia
18: Eritrea
14: India
14: Kosovo
11: Benin
76: unknown/others
/ / /
Gatou et al. 2011 [42] 739: MI 4377: Greece
  • dmft

  • UTN

  • DI-S

Clinical oral examination
Goetz et al. 2018 [43] 25: Afghanistan
19: Iraq
15: Syria
14: Eritrea
11: Yemen
7: Armenia
5: Somalia
4: Iran
2: Chechnya
/ • DMFT Clinical oral examination
Høyvik et al. 2019 [44] 45: Middle East (Syria/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan)
87: Africa (Eritrea/Somalia/Sudan/Nigeria)
/ • DT Clinical oral examination by Singh et al. [63]
Jacobsson et al. 2011 [45] 154: Asia/Africa/South America/North America/Scandinavia/European countries 585: Sweden
  • Number of teeth

  • dfs/DFS

  • GI

  • PLI

Clinical and radiographic examination
Julihn et al. 2010 [57] 140: Western Europe
315: Eastern Europe
595: Asia
143: Africa
185: South America
14160: Sweden • DMFSa Data were provided by Public Dental Health Service, private practicioners and the Department of Dental Medicine, Division of Pediatric Dentistry at Karolinska Institutet
Julihn et al. 2021 [58] 2363: Africa/India
7351: Eastern Europe/South America/China/Asia/Vietnam/Oceania
872: Western Europe/South Europe/North America/Korea
44491: Sweden • Presence of caries into dentin Clinical and radiographic examination
Marcenes et al. 2013 [46] 1.94%: White Eastern Europe
2.74%: White other
15.6%: Black Africa
7.30%: Black Other
7%: India
30.11%: Bangladesh
6.36%: Pakistan
5.14%: Asian Other
4.04%: Middle East
10.94%: White British
  • dmft

  • Number of teeth with untreated caries into dentin

  • % of children with one or more tooth with untreated caries into dentin

  • % of children with caries experience

Clinical oral examination
Mattila et al. 2016 [47] 9 asylum, seekers: Asia
12 MI: Asia
7 MI: Africa
10 MI: Europe
/ / /
Mustafa et al. 2020 [48] 32: Afghanistan
17: Azerbaijan/Bangladesh/Pakistan
4: Bosnia and Herzegovina
1: Dominican Republic
18: Philippines
2: Belarus
23: India
2: Indonesia
15: China
2: Kosovo
34: Lithuania
3: Moldova
2: Nepal
12: Romania
7: Russia
10: Srijlanka
1: Taiwan
10: South America
130: Africa
/ / /
Portero de la Cruz et al. 2020 [49] 253: MI (nationality not specified) 4315: Spanish / /
Riatto et al. 2018 [50] 100: Arabian ethnicity
56: Caucasian ethnicity
/ • DMFT Clinical oral examination
Rouxel et al. 2017 [51] 335: Black African and Caribbean
431: Pakistan/Bangladesh
142: India
552: Other White/Mixed White
7081: Britain/Ireland
  • DFT

  • Presence of plaque

  • Gingivitis

Children’s Dental Health Survey (CDHS) 2013
Solyman et al. 2018 [52] 239: Syria
147: Iraq
  • DMFT

  • Dental trauma

  • Dean’s Index (enamel fluorosis)

  • Need of treatmentPresence of plaque

  • Presence of calculus

Clinical oral examination
Van der Tas et al. 2017 [53] 1618: Non-Western 3446: Netherlands • dmft Clinical oral examination
Van Meljeen-van Lunteren et al. 2019 [54] Mothers’ country of birth:
143: Indonesia
104: Morocco
195: Suriname
169: Turkey
Mothers’ country of birth:
2110: Netherlands
/ /
Wigen et al. 2010 [55] Parents’ country of birth
70: Turkey/Asia/Africa/South America/Central America/Eastern Europe
Parents’ country of birth
453: Netherlands
• dmft Clinical oral examination

ADHS 2009 = Adult Dental Health Survey 2009; API: Approximal Plaque Index; dfs = dcayed filled proximal teeth surfaces in primary dentition; DFS = Decayed Filled proximal teeth surfaces in permanent dentition; DFT = Decayed Filled permanent Teeth; DT = Decayed permanent Teeth; DI-S = Simplified Debris Index; DMFT= decayed (D), missing (M), filled (F) permanent teeth; dmft= decayed (d), missing (m), filled (f) primary teeth; DMFM = decayed, missing, filled first permanent molars; DMFSa = decayed, missing, filled surfaces approxymal; ECC = early childhood caries: GI = gingival indices; N = number; NICE = National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: PBI = Papillary Bleeding Index; PI = Plaque Index; PLI = Plaque indices grades 2 and 3 (Silness and Loe 1964); pufa index = pulpal involvement, ulceration, fistula and abscess in severe decayed primary teeth; UTN = Unmet Treatment Needs.