Table 2.
Study, Year, Origin and Citation | Journal Name/ Impact Factor (IF) |
Study Design | Presented Symptoms and Duration |
Diagnosis | Affected Area (s) |
Functionality Problem (s) |
Sample Size (n) |
Gender Male (M), Female (F) |
Age (yrs) (Mean ± SD) | Intervention Groups and Subject, No. Allocation | Evaluation Period | Assessed Parameter (s) |
Evaluation Methods | Outcome and Conclusion |
Bardellini et al., 2019 (Italy) [74] | Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal (IF: 1.71) | RCT/DB | Pain Burning sensation, 6/12 |
IASP- 2016 |
TT, LT, DT, UL, LL, BM | Functional limitation, physical pain, psychological and social disabilities | 85 (F) | F: 42 (G1) F: 43 (G2) |
G1: 59 ± 9.51 G2: 60.86 ± 10.02 |
G1 (LLLT): 43 G2 (Placebo): 42 |
At baseline, mid-treatment (5th Session), End-treatment, 1/12 after treatment |
Pain, Functionality limitation, Stress/ anxiety, Physical activity, |
VAS Italian- OHIP |
On VAS: in G1, a significant reduction in pain (p = 0.0008) and improvement in QoL-OH (p = 0.0002). VAS: at 5th session, a reduction in pain but no statistically significant differences between G1 and G2 (p = 0.6232). At end-treatment: statistically significant reduction in symptoms in G1 (p = 0.0008) and kept at 1/12 follow-up (p = 0.0005). On OHIP: G1 9.00 ± 4.20 vs. G2 −4.87 ± 3.75 |
Valenzuela et al., 2017 (Spain) [75] | J Oral Rehabil (IF: 2.4) | RCT/ Prospective/partially blinded/single centre |
Oral burning/Pain, ≥6/12 |
IHS-2013 | NI | Pain, Oral burning sensation. Reduction in saliva flow |
44 | M: 3 F: 41 |
65.5 | G1 (LLLT): 16 (4 J) G2 (LLLT): 16 (6 J) G3 placebo/ sham laser: 12 |
At baseline, 2/52 and 4/52 | Pain, oral health, salivary flow, anxiety/ depression, over all treatment satisfaction |
VAS, OHIP-14 (Spanish version), Sialometry HADS, PGI-I |
VAS and OHIP-14 scores reduced significantly over time of treatment in all groups. At 2/52 and 4/52: VAS and OHIP-14 for G1 and G2 significantly lower than in G3. No significant differences between G1 and G2. Xerostomia severity and HAD: no significant differences between groups. PGI-I: no significant differences G1 and G2. Overall VAS scores improvement from baseline to end-LLLT were: G1: 15.7%, G2: 15.6%, G3: 7.3% |
Arbabi-Kalati et al., 2015 [76] | J Clin Exp Dent. (IF: 1.73) | RCT/SB | Pain, burning sensation, 4/12 |
IASP- 2016 |
10 areas of oral mucosa BM, T, FM, SP, HP |
Taste disturbance Pain intensity |
20 | M: 0 F: 20 |
G1: 47.2 G2: 46.6 |
G1 (LLLT): 10 G2 (Placebo Sham): 10 |
At baseline and after treatment Follow-up: NI |
Pain, QoL |
VAS, Persian- OHIP |
Statistically significant improvement in burning sensation in G1 (p = 0.004), compared to G2. QoL: statistically significant in G1 (p = 0.01). VAS: G1: −4.4 ± 3.0 G2: −0.2 ± 1.5. OHIP: G1: −15.0 ± 11.4 vs. G2: 0.3 ± 11.5 |
Arduino et al., 2016 (Italy) [77] | Lasers Med. Sci. (IF: 1.94) | RCT/comparative Double or single blind: NI, |
Pain, burning sensation 6/12 |
IASP- 2016 |
Oral mucosa | Functional limitation, physical pain, psychological and social disabilities | 33 Caucasian |
M: 8 F: 25 |
G1: 68.5 G2: 65.4 |
G1 (LLLT): 18 G2 [Clonazepam (2 mg) lozenge]: 15 |
At 3/52, 8/52 and 12/52 | Pain, QoL, PH saliva, anxiety/ depression |
G1 was superior to G2, in improving pain intensity in all parameters but statistically significant only at 8/52 (p = 0.026) VAS: G1: −2.78 ± 4.08 vs. G2: −1.15 ± 1.80. MPQ: G1: −10.05 ± 4.80 vs. G2: −11.00 ± 4.80. OHIP: G1: −11.06 ± 32.10 vs. G2: 4.40 ± 43.00. No adverse effects in G1 but 32% of dizziness, fever, headache and lack apatite in G2 |
Sugaya et al., 2016 (Brazil) [78] | Braz Oral Res. (IF: 1.6) |
RCT/SB | Burning sensation, dysgeusia, Duration: NI |
IASP- 2013 |
Tongue, UL, LL, BM, MR SP; HP, LG | Xerostomia & dysgeusia | 30 allocated Analysed only 23 |
M: 2 F: 21 (7 lost to follow-up) |
59.7 (29–87) |
Allocated: LG (LLLT): 15 CG (Placebo): 15, but analysed: LG: 13 CG: 10 |
At baseline, 15 mins after irradiation, At 14/7 1/12, 2/12 and 3/12 |
Pain | VAS, global perception chart pain index | A significant improvement of symptoms in LG over CG in two measurements only. Positive effect in emotional profile in LG and CG. CR: LG 6/13 vs. CG 4/10 |
Spanemberg et al., 2015 (Spain) [79] |
J Biomed Opt. (IF: 3.17) |
RCT/DB | Burning sensation, Pain, 6/12 |
IASP- 2016 |
TT, DT, LT (bilateral), UL, LL, HP, SP |
NI | 78 | M: 11 F: 67 |
G1: 63.6 ± 9.61 G2: 60.5 ± 6.42 G3: 63.2 ± 6.91 G4: 61.5 ± 8.76 |
Three groups of LLLT vs. placebo G1: [LLLT IR (IR1W) ]: 20 G2: [LLLT-IR (IR3W)]: 20 G3: (LLLT red: 19. G4 (Placebo, Sham): 19 |
Baseline, end-treatment & 8/52 after treatment | Pain, QoL |
Significant improvement in symptoms and QoL (p < 0.01) in G1 compared to G4. On VS and VNS: G1 and G2 differed significantly compared to G4, but no significant difference between G3 and G4. OHIP-14: significant difference between G2 and G4. G1 and G3 didn’t differ significantly to G4 |
Skrinjar et al., 2020 (Croatia) [80] | Act Stomatol Croat. (IF: 0.75) | RCT/DB | Burning sensation, ≥3 months |
IASP- 2016 |
Both sites: tongue, lip or HP | Xerostomia, intraoral disability | 23 | M: 3 F: 20 |
LLLT: 61 Placebo: 62 |
G1 (LLLT): 12 G2 (Placebo): 11 |
At baseline, end-treatment |
Burning sensation, Salivary cortisol level | VAS, Unstimulated saliva (ELISA) |
VAS scores and salivary cortisol levels were significantly lower in G1 and G2. LLLT was not better than placebo. No adverse effects reported for both groups |
Pezelj-Ribarić et al., 2013 (Croatia) [81] | Lasers Med Sci. (IF: 1.94) |
RCT/ unspecified |
Burning sensation, pain Duration un-specified |
IASP-2013 | NI | NI | 40 | M: 13 F: 27 |
G1: 60.2 G2: 61.1 |
G1 (LLLT): 12 G2 (Placebo): 9 |
NI | Pain, UWS | VAS, TNF-α & IL-6 levels |
On VAS: no significant differences in pain reduction between G1 and G2. In G1: no reduction of symptoms. VAS scores: G1: −4.2 vs. G2: −3. Decrease in TNF-α and IL-6 |
Sikora et al., 2018 (Croatia) [82] | Acta Clin Croat. (IF: 0.53) | RCT/SB | Burning mouth symptoms duration: NI | IASP-2016 | NI | NI | 44 | M: 1 F: 43 |
Range 56–83 Mean age: 67.56 |
LLLT and Placebo but no data available | At baseline and after each treatment session | Pain, QoL |
OHIP-CRO14: No significant differences between the groups prior and after LLLT (p > 0.05%). Neither of therapy protocols improved QoL scores. VAS score: significant decreases in both groups (p < 0.05%) and (p < 0.01%). |
Spanemberg et al., 2019 (Spain) [83] | J Oral Medicine and Pathology (IF: 2.5) |
RCT/DB | Pain/ burning, anxiety/ depression, 3/12 |
ICHD -2013 |
TT, LT, DT, BM, LM, HP, SP; G, AM |
Intraoral & psychological disabilities | 21 | M: 1 F: 20 |
LG: 66.3 ± 7.52 CG: 66.4 ± 6.31 |
LG: 12 CG (sham): 9 |
At baseline, 8th session, 2/12 after treatment |
Pain/ burning, dry mouth, dysphagia |
Initial VAS score mean was 8.9 in LG and 8.3 in CG (p > 0.05%). At end-treatment, VAS score was 5.5 in LG and 5.8 in CG. At 2/12, VAS score was 4.7 in LG and 5.1 in CG. Marginal significant improvement in dry mouth and dysphagia (p = 0.0538) |
De Pedro et al., 2020 (Spain) [84] | Oral Diseases (IF: 2.6) |
RCT/SB | Pain/burning, depression/ anxiety, lack of sleep >3/12 |
ICHD-3-2018 | VM, L, BM, HP, LT, DT, SM |
Intraoral disability, mental & psychological disabilities, lack of sleep | 20 | M: 2 for each group F: 8 for each group |
LG: 66.30 ± 15.19 CG = 67.60 ± 10.68 |
LG: 10 CG (sham): 10 |
At baseline, 10th session 1/12 and 4/12 after treatment |
Pain, sleepiness QoL, anxiety/ depression |
VAS, SF-36, Psychometric SCL 90-R, MPQ, OHIP-14 |
On VAS: LG showed an improvement in pain at end-treatment and increased at 1/12 follow-up and continued to improve at 4/12 in (90%) (p = 0.013). In GC, 20% improvement at end-treatment and worsened in 40% at 1/12 and kept worsening in 40% at 4/12 follow-up. On McGill and OHIP-14: scores decreased in LG at end-treatment and maintaiend over the follow-up period, indicating a positive impact on psychological state. On mental health score: significant decrease in anxiety in LG at end treatment and at 4/12 follow-up. Statistical significant improvement in SF-36 scores in LG at 1/12 follow-up. |
Scardina et al., 2020 (Italy) [85] | Dent J (Basel) (IF: NI) |
RCT/DB | IO pain and burning sensation, >3/12 |
Unspecified criteria but specified burning sensation without specifying symptoms’ duration | ULM, DT, BM, LLM | Pain | 40 | Only F |
62.06 ± 3.1 | G1: LLLT: 20 G2: Placebo: 20 |
At baseline, after each treatment session (8 sessions) and 60 days after treatment |
Pain, Capillary bed: Length, diameter, density, morphology tortuosity |
VAS, NRS, Video-capillaroscopy evaluation |
G1: a lasting improvement in symptoms. No statistical significant difference in COB in G2 (p > 0.05). Reduction in diameter of the following areas in G1: BM: 3μ, LL: 3μ, DT: 2μ. An increase in capillary length in all irradiated areas (p < 0.05). PBMT induced reduction in capillary diameter (long time period), reflected an improvement in clinical profile. |