CsrA positively regulates swarming but not swimming motility in V. alginolyticus. (A) The ability of ZJ_T, ZJ_T-csrAR6H, ZJ_T/overcsrA-pSCT32 to swim or swarm through 0.3% and 1.5% LBS agar plates, which was observed with a BIO-RAD Gel DocTM XR+ imager. The presence of the csrA mutant did not change the swimming ability, but it decreased the swarming ability. The bars represent the mean of three biological replicates, the error bars are the standard deviations, and the p values were calculated using one-way ANOVA (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01) comparing ZJ_T-csrAR6H to both the wild type and the overexpression strain. (B) Relative expression levels of lateral flagellin (lafA), flagellar basal-body rod protein (flgC1), flagellar basal-body rod protein C (flgC2), flagellin (flaC2). lafA, flgC2, flaC2 were significantly downregulated and displayed changes of greater than 2-fold (Baggerley’s test, FDR p value of <0.05) in the expression in the csrA mutant compared with the wild-type strain, while flgC1 was downregulated but not significantly. Error bars indicate standard deviations.