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. 2021 Nov 12;10(11):2783. doi: 10.3390/foods10112783

Table 2.

Effects of calcium salt types, concentrations, and processing treatments on the meat color changes during the processing of beef sausages.

Traits Calcium Salts Processing Salt Concentrations (%) SE d p-Value
0 0.2 0.4 0.7
L* CaCl2 Ground beef 51.61 alz 51.61 alz 51.61 alz 51.61 alz 0.33 0.007
Chopped batter 56.48 aly 56.18 amy 56.04 aly 56.08 aly
Cooked sausage 62.33 bclx 63.30 alx 62.92 ablx 61.95 clx
CaLac Ground beef 51.61 alz 51.61 alz 51.61 alz 51.61 alz
Chopped batter 56.48 bly 57.30 aly 55.47 cly 55.79 bcly
Cooked sausage 62.33 ablx 61.82 bmx 62.81 alx 62.21 ablx
a* CaCl2 Ground beef 24.43 alx 24.43 alx 24.43 alx 24.43 alx 0.19 <0.001
Chopped batter 9.07 alz 8.34 cmz 8.42 bclz 8.77 ablz
Cooked sausage 13.55 aly 13.40 aly 12.57 bmy 11.48 cmy
CaLac Ground beef 24.43 alx 24.43 alx 24.43 alx 24.43 alx
Chopped batter 9.07 alz 8.85 alz 7.96 bmz 7.66 bmz
Cooked sausage 13.55 aly 13.65 aly 13.41 aly 13.40 aly
b* CaCl2 Ground beef 24.70 alx 24.70 alx 24.70 alx 24.70 alx 0.22 0.020
Chopped batter 20.21 aly 19.75 aly 19.96 aly 19.75 aly
Cooked sausage 12.40 alz 12.45 alz 12.34 alz 12.37 alz
CaLac Ground beef 24.70 alx 24.70 alx 24.70 alx 24.70 alx
Chopped batter 20.21 bly 20.11 bly 18.85 amy 18.61 amy
Cooked sausage 12.40 alz 12.53 alz 12.47 alz 12.32 alz
Chroma CaCl2 Ground beef 34.74 alx 34.74 alx 34.74 alx 34.74 alx 0.28 <0.001
Chopped batter 22.15 aly 21.44 bly 21.66 bly 21.61 bly
Cooked sausage 18.37 alz 18.29 alz 17.62 bmz 16.88 cmz
CaLac Ground beef 34.74 alx 34.74 alx 34.74 alx 34.74 alx
Chopped batter 22.15 aly 21.97 aly 20.47 bmy 20.12 bmy
Cooked sausage 18.37 alz 18.53 alz 18.32 alz 18.21 alz
Hue CaCl2 Ground beef 45.31 aly 45.31 aly 45.31 aly 45.31 alz 0.23 <0.001
Chopped batter 65.85 blx 67.10 alx 67.14 alx 66.08 bmx
Cooked sausage 42.46 clz 42.89 clz 44.50 blz 47.18 aly
CaLac Ground beef 45.31 aly 45.31 aly 45.31 aly 45.31 aly
Chopped batter 65.85 blx 66.25 bmx 67.11 alx 67.63 alx
Cooked sausage 42.46 alz 42.55 alz 42.92 amz 42.60 amz

a–c Means within the same calcium salt type and processing treatment with different letters differ at p < 0.05. l,m Means within the same calcium salt concentration and processing treatment with different letters differ at p < 0.05. x–z Means within the same calcium salt concentration and calcium salt type with different letters differ at p < 0.05. d SE: Standard error.