a, Schematic of neonatal induction of Krit1 deletion and/or PIK3CAH1047R expression. 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT) injection at P1 was used to inducibly delete Krit1 (Krit1iBECKO), drive expression of PIK3CAH1047R (Pik3caiBECGOF) or both specifically in the brain endothelial cells of mice carrying a resistant gut microbiome. b, Representative visual and microCT images of the indicated P7 brains. Note that loss of KRIT1 alone is not sufficient for CCM formation in animals with a resistant microbiome. Scale bars, 1mm. c, MicroCT quantitation of lesion volumes at P7. (Krit1iBECKO, n=4; Pik3caiBECGOF, n=12; Krit1iBECKO;Pik3caiBECGOF , n=6). Indicated p-values are: p=0.0002; p=0.0001; p=8e−8 (top to bottom). d, Schematic and diagram of the experimental approach in which a cranial window is created and AAV virus injected into the brains of 2 month old mice with serial imaging on indicated post-operative days (POD). e, Serial images obtained through the same cranial window of Krit1fl/fl;iPik3caH1047R animals following injection of control or Cre-expressing AAV vectors. Cranial window images representative of 4 animals/group. f, Representative visual and microCT images of brains harvested 21 days after injection of AAV-Cre into adult animals with the indicated genotypes. iPik3caH1047R designation includes iPik3caH1047R and/or Krit1fl/+;iPik3caH1047R genotypes. Dotted circles indicate the site of cranial window and AAV-Cre injection. Scale bars, 1mm. g, MicroCT quantitation of lesion volumes 21 days after injection of AAV-Cre. (Krit1fl/fl, n=4; iPik3caH1047R, n=9; Krit1fl/fl;iPik3caH1047R, n=10). Indicated p-values are: p=0.0144; p=0.0140; p=0.4174 (top to bottom). Data are mean ± s.e.m. Unpaired, two-tailed Welch’s t-test. ns indicates p not significant, p>0.05; *indicates p<0.05; ***indicates p<0.001; ****indicates p<0.0001.