Measure | Coding/Scoring |
Smoking and quitting behavior | |
Changes in amount of cigarette smoking | “How has your cigarette use changed since February 2020 (the start of the COVID-19 pandemic)?” [Increased use, use stayed the same [mode, reference category], decreased use] |
Readiness to quit smoking | “Select the number that indicates where you are now in your thinking about quitting smoking.” [No thought of quitting (0) through I am now taking action to quit (10)] Scale collapsed into three categories for analysis: 0–2 vs. 3–7 vs. 8–10. |
Quit attempts | “Since February 2020 (the start of the COVID-19 pandemic), have you ever made a serious attempt to quit smoking? That is, have you stopped smoking for at least one day or longer because you were trying to quit?” [Yes, No [mode, reference category]] |
COVID-19 risk perceptions | |
Smoking-related susceptibility to COVID-19 | “Based on what you believe, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Smoking cigarettes can cause me to be more likely to get coronavirus.” [strongly disagree/disagree, neither disagree nor agree [mode, reference category], agree/strongly agree] |
Smoking-related severity of COVID-19 effects | “Based on what you believe, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Smoking cigarettes can cause me to have more severe effects of coronavirus.” [strongly disagree/disagree, neither disagree nor agree [mode, reference category], agree/strongly agree] |
General susceptibility to COVID-19 | “How likely do you think you are to be infected by the coronavirus over the next year?” [Unlikely (1), possible (2), likely (3), almost certain (4), certain (5)] |
General severity of COVID-19 symptoms | “On a scale from 0 to 10, how severe do you think your symptoms will be if you become infected with coronavirus?” [I would likely have no symptoms (0) to I would likely die from it (10)] |
Participant characteristics and other covariates | |
SexGender | Male, Female |
Age | 18–29, 30–44, 45–59, 60+ |
Race/ethnicity | White non-Hispanic, Black non-Hispanic, Other non-Hispanic, Hispanic |
Education | Less than High school, High school graduate, Some college, Bachelor’s degree or higher |
Household income | < $30,000, $30,000 - $99,999, ≥ $100,000 |
ENDS use status | Current user, Recent quitter (quit since Feb 2020), Never use or quit before Feb 2020 |
Psychological distress | “During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel: 1. Nervous 2. Hopeless 3. Restless or fidgety 4. So depressed that nothing could cheer you up 5. That everything was an effort 6. Worthless” [All of the time (4), Most of the time (3), Some of the time (2), A little of the time (1), None of the time (0)] Responses were summed for a range of 0 to 24. |
Self-efficacy for quitting smoking | “If you decided you wanted to quit smoking and never start again, how easy or hard do you think it would be for you to do?” [Very easy (1), Hard but you could do it if you tried (2), Very difficult and you might not be able to do it (3), Almost impossible (4)] |
Nicotine dependence | “Please rate how often each of the following statements applies to you. 1. I find myself reaching for cigarettes without thinking about it. 2. I drop everything to go out and buy cigarettes. 3. When I haven’t been able to smoke for a few hours, the craving gets intolerable. 4. I smoke more before going into a situation where smoking is not allowed.” [Never (1), Rarely (2), Sometimes (3), Often (4), Always (5)] Responses were summed for a range of 4 to 20. |
Cigarettes harder to obtain | “Since February 2020, cigarettes have been… [Easier to obtain (1), Neither easier nor more difficult to obtain (2), More difficult to obtain (3)]” |
Cigarettes less affordable | “Since February 2020, cigarettes have been… [More affordable (1), Neither more nor less affordable (2), Less affordable (3)]” |
Time spent in places where smoking is allowed | “Since February 2020, what has changed about the amount of time you spend in places or situations where cigarette smoking is allowed?” [I spend more time in places or situations where cigarette smoking is allowed (1), No change (2), I spend less time in places or situations where cigarette smoking is allowed (3)] |