Fig. 4. RMS-BAF complexes bind core regulatory circuitry.
a Chromatin states in FP-RMS cells using ChIP-seq data for histone marks plus CTCF and RAD21 using hidden Markov modeling algorithm chromHMM are ranked for association with binding of PBRM1 alone, PBRM1 together with BRG1 or BRG1 alone, as well as PAX3-FOXO1, MYCN, and MYOD1 genomic binding. b Heat maps displaying peak distribution of BRG1, PBRM1, DPF2, and BRD9. Subtype complexes are defined as follows; BAF; BRG1 and DPF2, PBAF; BRG1 and PBRM1, ncBAF; and BRG1 and BRD9. Additionally, H3K27ac deposition, as well as MYOD1, P3F, and MYCN binding are given for BAF complex subtype specific sites. Number of detected peaks are indicated on the left. c Pie-charts illustrating degree of co-occupancy of BAF complex subtype bound loci with PAX3-FOXO1, MYOD1, and MYCN. Accession details for ChIP-seq data (GSE162052) can be found in the data availability section.