Fig. 2. The prevalence of longer genes and introns, and confirmation of a whole-genome duplication event in C. spicatus based on genomic collinearity.
a Comparison of gene and genome characteristics (i.e., genome size, gene size, exon, and intron sizes) of C. spicatus and 17 other flowering plants. b Comparison of the lengths of the coding regions among nine representative plant genomes. c Collinearity patterns between genomic regions of Amborella, Vitis, and Chloranthus. The colored (red/grey) wedges highlight the major syntenic blocks shared among these species. d The number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ks) distributions confirming the occurrence of a whole-genome duplication (WGD) event in C. spicatus. Source data underlying Fig. 2a are provided as a Source Data file.