Category: Various sources of information, sometimes unreliable or not verified “… you start to hear something when you go to ESO [years 8–11 of compulsory schooling], a talk. I, for example, confide a lot in my aunt and I’ve heard all the information from her”, M1 “where does information on contraception circulate? The friend or brother who explained it to me”, M9 “I, honestly, where I learned most about contraceptives is in the series “The Big House” (…) I’ve also searched on internet…”, A10 “I find things about contraception on TV or on YouTube, if you look a little, you only see ads and videos about condoms, at least I’ve only seen those. I haven’t seen an advert for the patch or the IUD”, A6 “I’ve got friends and a cousin, who have already used the rod (subdermal implant), they had said good things about it and… I opted for this method”, YW16 |