Relative abundances of class 1 integron genes of different types. A) Relative number of aint1 per bacteria cell; B) Relative abundance of aint1 structure per intl1 gene; C) Relative number of eaint1 per bacteria cell; D) Relative abundance of eaint1 per aint1; and E) Relative abundance of eaint1 per intl1. Krustall-Wallis rank sum test and the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test was used to determine if each integron structure was enriched or reduced at each sample site compared with the population mean (dashed line). Significance: *0.05 and 'ns’ not significant. Sample sites: RU, upstream water column; SRU, upstream sediments; HP_A and HP_B, hospital wastewater; CM, community wastewater; INF, WWTP influent; RAS, recycled activated sludge; EFF, WWTP effluent; RD, downstream river water column; and SRD, downstream sediment.