Fig. 5.
T cell exclusion in brain metastases. A Figure shows cold, warm and hot regions of interest of two patients’ brain metastases. PanCK in green, CD45 in red and CD3 in yellow. B Differential expression of proteins from all ROI and AOI types primary breast and brain metastases. C Differential expression of proteins from all ROI types from the PanCK positive tumor segments comparing primary breast and brain metastases. D Differential expression of proteins from all ROI types from the PanCK negative stromal segments comparing primary breast and brain metastases. For B-D vertical dotted lines represent a onefold log change and the horizontal line marks an unadjusted p-value of p < 0.05. Dots in grey are not significant, dots in blue have an unadjusted p-value of < 0.05 and dots in red have an adjusted p-value of < 0.05