Table 1.
Number of aquatic and soil vOTUs and VCs in the PIGEON database, according to the source environments considered in this study
Dataset | vOTUs | Total VCs | VCs with > 1 vOTU | Singleton VCs (1 vOTU) | vOTUs in a VC | % Singleton VCs | % vOTUs in Singleton VCs |
PIGEON aquatic and soil* | 233,420 | 81,846 | 29,167 | 52,679 | 181,987 | 64 | 22 |
Marine | 190,502 | 54,473 | 25,116 | 29,357 | 161,145 | 54 | 15 |
Freshwater | 11,869 | 7910 | 3257 | 4653 | 7216 | 59 | 39 |
All soil | 31,049 | 20,939 | 4415 | 16,524 | 13,626 | 79 | 53 |
SPRUCE** | 4326 | 3114 | 921 | 2193 | 2133 | 70 | 51 |
Other peat | 10,831 | 8414 | 1377 | 7037 | 3794 | 84 | 65 |
Other soil | 15,892 | 10,391 | 2117 | 8274 | 7618 | 80 | 52 |
For each row, the number of viral populations (vOTUs), viral clusters (VCs) with more than one member, and singletons (both vOTUs and VCs with only one member), along with the corresponding percentages that they represent are presented
*Only marine, freshwater, and soil; not including vOTUs from human, other animal, plants or other systems (total PIGEON vOTUs across all environments = 266,125)
**All vOTUs recovered in the SPRUCE experimental plots and transect, including 160 vOTUs also recovered in other peat and 4 vOTUs also recovered in other soil