Table 1:
General Characteristics of 19 Reviewed Studies
Author | Country | Study Population | Study Design | Objective(s) | Oral Health Outcome(s) | Relative Secondary Outcome |
Alabi, R. O34 | Finland and Brazil | Older adults and other age groups | Observational with mixed retrospective and prospective designs | Use of Artificial Neural Networks along with a web-based-tool to estimate oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma recurrence | Oral cancer screening | N/A |
Araujo, M. R35 | Portugal | Older adults and other age groups | Randomized Clinical Trial | Explore the effect of using an integrated camera while performing oral hygiene procedure followed up by consultation through text messages on the clinical and behavioral measures of patients with periodontal problems | Dental hygiene and bleeding on marginal probing | Social cognitive determinants of behavior change |
Buser, R29 | Germany | Older adults only | Non-randomized clinical trial | Use of a purpose-built two-colored chewing gum in conjunction with smartphone application to assess chewing function | Chewing ability | N/A |
Bradley, M40 | Ireland | Older adults and other age groups | Non-randomized clinical trial | Assess the feasibility of using Teledentistry to process oral medicine referral to a consultant at main hospital (Belfast) using photographs | Triage and management of oral medicine referrals | Acceptability of Teledentistry to both patient and provider (feasibility) |
Cohen, L. A33 | USA | Older adults and other age groups | Cross-sectional | Examine the pharmacist’s role in managing dental pain from the patient’s perspective. | Tooth pain | N/A |
Gomes, M. S38 | Brazil | Older adults and other age groups | Non-randomized clinical trial | Screening for a potential malignant lesion among individuals with high risk | Malignant lesions | N/A |
Lyu, K. X36 | China | Older adults and other age groups | Randomized Clinical Trial | Investigate the practicability and advantage of WeChat mobile app in dental follow-up. | Head and neck tumor-related quality of life, and satisfaction with tele approach | Economic saving, satisfaction using both delivery models |
Marino, R24 | Australia | Older adults only | Non-randomized clinical trial | Evaluate a Teledentistry model for teleconsultation and diagnosis inside nursing homes | 5-level Likert scale to assess acceptability, an economic evaluation based on general cost data | Screening for oral diseases and lesions, opinions of participants about the tele approach |
Marino, R25 | Australia | Older adults only | Non-randomized clinical trial | Compare costs /benefits of Teledentistry versus in-person approach following assessments by a dentist at rural nursing homes | Cost saving, effectiveness and feasibility of access through Teledentistry at rural nursing homes | N/A |
Petcu, R39 | France | Older adults and other age groups | Non-randomized clinical trial | Measure perception of oral teleconsultation among elder patients with cognitive and physical problems | Acceptance of oral teleconsultation service | N/A |
Queyroux, A26 | France | Older adults only | Cross-sectional study | Assess the precision of Teledentistry for diagnosing dental pathology, assessing rehabilitation status of dental prostheses, and the chewing ability of older adults living in nursing homes | Oral conditions/lesions, chewing ability, dental prostheses rehabilitation | N/A |
Shah, P31 | India | Older adults and other age groups | Cross-sectional | Assess technology-enabled non-invasive diagnostic screening (TES) utilizing smartphones and other medical devices in conjunction with routine health screenings | Dental conditions | Other medical conditions |
Skandarajah, A32 | India | Older adults and other age groups | Cross-sectional | Assess an automatic tablet-supported portable microscope as an assistant tool for oral cancer screening | Oral cancer screening | N/A |
Tomuro, K23 | Japan | Older adults only | Non-randomized clinical trial | Evaluate a telecare program for home-bound elderly in provision of education on oral and general health care. | Oral care knowledge and attitudes, selfcare skills, communication abilities | N/A |
Tynan, A27 | Australia | Older adults only | Non-randomized clinical trial | Explore the impact and experience of an integrated oral health program using tele approach and oral health therapists | Oral health- related quality of life | N/A |
Tynan, A28 | Australia | Older adults only | Non-randomized clinical trial | Dismantle barriers related to delivering oral health at nursing homes | Experience of older adults with tele approach at nursing homes, reduction of unnecessary appointments, compliance with oral health care plan | N/A |
Vaishampayan, S41 | India | Older adults and other age groups | Non-randomized-clinical trial | Assess effectiveness of text messaging (SMS) for postoperative compliance in oral cancer patients, and the efficacy of self-examination for early identification of recurrent lesions | Patient self-examination of oral cancer/oral lesion recurrence | N/A |
Worsley, D. J30 | UK | Older adults and other age groups | Cross-sectional | Assess government facility services during both in- and out-of-hours urgent dental service, including telephone triage provider and a sole clinical provider | Telephone consultation delivery, suitability of referral, acceptability of service, cost and relevance | N/A |
Yamazaki, S37 | Japan | Older adults and other age groups | Non-randomized clinical trial | Evaluate systemic management of high-risk dental patients during dental procedures by the remote online hemodynamic monitoring system | Remote hemodynamic monitoring of medically high-risk patients in private dental offices | N/A |
Note: N/A: not applicable