FIG. 2.
Deletional analysis of the Gal4-Knirps 75-429 repressor. (A) Structure and activities of Gal4-Knirps chimeric proteins. Chimeras numbered 1 to 23 were expressed in transgenic embryos as fusions to the Gal4 protein DNA binding domain (residues 1 to 93). A plus sign signifies at least 6% of embryos showed a clear repression pattern; a minus sign signifies ≤1%. See Table 1 for quantitation. The dCtBP binding motif PMDLSMK is indicated as a red box; an X indicates proteins in which the PMDLSMK motif has been mutated to AAAASMK. (B) Structure and expression pattern of the eve stripe (st.) 2-stripe 3 lacZ reporter gene used to test the activity of Gal4-Knirps repressors shown in panel A. Embryos from left to right: reporter gene in the absence of Gal4-Knirps repressor, repressed pattern generated by crosses to Gal4-Knirps 75-429 and 75-332 lines, and an unrepressed pattern obtained from a cross to a nonfunctional line (Kni75-254). Embryos are shown with anterior at the left and dorsal being at the top.