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. 2021 Nov 26;11(11):e052140. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052140

Table 3.

Impact of the pandemic on the general population (continuation)

No. of cases Total %
Staying home No, I am forced to go to work 228 0.40
No, I need to work 534 0.94
No, I work in an essential service 7549 13.32
Yes 31 272 55.19
Yes, teleworking 17 073 30.13
Afraid No 14 021 26.86
Yes, going shopping 9029 17.30
Yes, to infect others 11 545 22.12
Yes, to get infected 17,59 33.70
Afraid to infect Elderly 4128 35.76
Anyone 5689 49.28
Children 1524 13.20
Colleagues at work 201 1.74
Increased substance use No 36 521 57.94
Yes, alcohol 3736 5.92
Yes, food 15 292 24.26
Yes, illegal drugs 257 0.40
Yes, drugs to calm down 2617 4.15
Yes, tobacco 4599 7.29
Media to get information about the pandemic Social media 35,08 29.23
TV 44 126 36.77
Radio 18 543 15.45
Newspapers 16 255 13.54
Other 5991 4.99
Thoughts about the information received It’s ok 14 193 18.98
The government explains too much 2417 3.23
The government explains too little 6678 8.93
Media explain too much 9556 12.78
Media explain too little 2177 2.91
Too negative 15 645 20.92
Poorly adjusted to reality 4049 26.82
No opinion 20 053 5.41
Impact of the pandemic on people (subjective) No 14 575 21.43
Yes, my personality 3252 4.78
Yes, my vision of society/how we live 34 274 50.41
Yes, my life 15 889 23.36
Scores results per percentile Score 50% 90% 95%
Anxiety 2 ≥10 ≥16
Stress 8 ≥24 ≥28
Depression 4 ≥16 ≥20
PTSD 17 ≥46 ≥54

Number of cases (number of responses received per answer category) and percentage of the total responses obtained for each question. Please note that some of the questions were multiple choice.

"Score" refers to the data in the cells below, as there were several scores analyzed (there is one score for anxiety, one for stress, etc.). The 50%-90% and 95% in bold stand for the percentile, and the cells below are also referred to these. Example: The percentile 50% of the population sample had a value = 2 of the score of Anxiety, only the 10% of the population sample had more than 10 (percentile 90), and etc.

PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.