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. 2021 Apr 17;160(5):1624–1633. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2021.04.015

Table 1.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates With Protease and Elastase Activity Are Common in the ICU

PA Pathogen Characteristics No. Samples (%)
Elastase activitya
 Any (>0%) 178 (74.8)
 Low (0%-50%) 134 (56.3)
 High (>50%) 104 (43.7)
Protease activitya
 Any (>0%) 170 (71.4)
 Low (0%-50%) 161 (67.7)
 High (>50%) 77 (32.3)
Biofilm productionb 143 (60.6)
MDR/XDRc 74 (31.6)
Polymicrobiald 88 (37.5)

P aeruginosa (PA) respiratory isolates were obtained from unique ICU patients admitted to the ICU at two academic medical referral centers. MDR = multidrug-resistant; XDR = extensively drug resistant.


Elastase and protease activity were normalized to a research PA reference strain (PA14) and reported as % elastase or protease activity: Any (>0%), Low (0%-50%), High (>50%). The elastase activity used fluorogenic elastin as a substrate, and protease activity used fluorogenic casein as the substrate. N = 238 for elastase activity. N = 238 for protease activity.


Biofilm production was measured using a crystal violet staining assay as described in the Methods section. n = 236 for biofilm production.


Multidrug or extensively drug resistant (MDR/XDR) was defined by resistance to ≥3 or ≥6 antibiotic classes, respectively, and were combined for the analysis. n = 234 for MDR/XDR status


Polymicrobial was defined as the presence of other pathogens from the same respiratory sample, n = 235 for polymicrobial.