A) TGFβR2 and Smad protein stability (Western blot
densitometry, n = 3/time) in control vs curcumin-treated (30 μM) MDA-SA
cells concurrently treated with cycloheximide (CHX) to block protein synthesis.
B) TGFβR2 and Smad protein synthesis (Western blot densitometry, n =
4/time) in control vs curcumin-treated (30 μM) MDA-SA cells pre-treated
with cycloheximide for 24 h. C) TGFβR2 and Smad2 mRNA levels
in curcumin-treated (30 μM, 16h) vs. control MDA-SA cells, reported as
mean ± CI * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 vs. control.