Fig. 4.
Health-related quality of life in the long-term follow-up of VV ECMO survivors. A) Distribution of patients, who were able to return to work after discharge, had to change their job or were no longer able to work. B) SF-36 of VV ECMO survivors compared to German general population (DESG1) [18]. Higher scores denote better health-related quality of life. C) HAD-D and HAD-A compared to German general population (Hinz et al.) [17]. Lower scores denote lower levels of depression and anxiety. D) SGRQ compared to the German COSYCONECT population (COPD reference cohort) [19] and the Spanish IBERPOC general population [20]. Lower scores denote lower levels of pulmonary impairment. ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; VV veno-venous