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. 2021 Nov 11;12(4):60. doi: 10.3390/jfb12040060

Table 3.

Overview on variants of chest wall area resection, surgical/post-surgical features, and early complications.

No. Defect Localization No. of Excised Ribs Lung Resection Sternum Resection Muscle Resection Skin Resection Others Defect Area, cm2 Operative Time, Min ICU, Day CTD, Day PLoS, Day Complications
1 Lat 2 CP Pericardial 84 180 3 2 15
2 Ant/Lat 2 LUL PM 50 150 1 4 14
3 Post/Lat 2 LD, PV Yes 250 120 1 3 10
4 Ant/Lat 4 WR PM, Pm 198 185 1 5 14
5 Ant 3 RUL PM, Pm 78 140 2 4 12
6 Ant 3 RUL PM, Pm Yes 98 240 5 8 18 pAL
7 Ant/Lat 1 Sc 36 80 1 7
8 Ant/Lat 3 LUL SM 98 210 1 5 15
9 Post/Lat 2 RUL PV VB 84 180 5 4 21 pAF
10 Ant/Lat 4 PM Yes 105 150 3 4 14
11 Ant/Lat 1 70 85 0 1 5
12 Ant/Lat 3 LUL SM 92 130 2 6 12 PE, S
13 Ant/Lat 3 RUL SM 98 110 2 5 12
14 Ant/Lat 2 RUL 78 145 3 3 14
15 Ant 8 Subtotal PM Yes 576 130 3 5 16
Mean (min–max) 2.6

Note. Ant–anterior; CP–completion pneumonectomy; Lat–lateral; LD–latissimus dorsi; LUL–left upper lobectomy; pAF–paroxysm of atrial fibrillation; pAL–prolonged air leak; PE–pleural effusion; Pm–pectoralis minor; PM–pectoralis major; Post–posterior; PV–paravertebral muscles; RUL–right upper lobectomy; S–seroma; SM–serratus muscle; Sc–scalen muscle; VB–vertebral body; WR–wedge resection, ICU–intensive care unit, CTD-chest tube drain; PLoS–postoperative length of stay.