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. 2021 Oct 29;13(10):e19136. doi: 10.7759/cureus.19136

Table 8. The data of circulatory dynamics before and after exercise using the LEX in the first exercise session.

Blank space means that no data was measured.

'Before' column features data collected before the LEX exercise. 'After' column features data collected after the LEX exercise.

sBP: Systolic blood pressure [mmHg; dBP: Diastolic blood pressure [mmHg]; PR: Pulse rate [bpm]; SpO2: Saturation of percutaneous oxygen [%]; LEX: Leg exercise apparatus

  Before After Before After Before After Before After
Subject sBP sBP dBP dBP PR PR SpO2 SpO2
1 108 111 60 68 105 112 96 95
2 112 103 72 72 89 90 97 96
3 136 120 78 82 64 64 97 97
4   112   63   65   97
5 105 106 70 69 72 65 99 96
6 118 103 80 75 78 75   95
7 139 133 84 92 78 87 98 99
9 131 144 86 100 83 82 95 95
10 150 152 73 75 73 70 98 98
12 120 128 67 74 85 89 96 96
13 93 103     52 60 97 98
14 144 157 80 86 87 83 96 97
15 105 110 77 66 86 79 98 98
16 128 131 64 66 86 89 98 99
17 147 151 77 88 80 89 98 98
18 136 145 97 98 99 98 97 96
19 151 156 95 96 81 79 99 99
20 141 136 78 94 77 71 96 95
21 137 139 90 89 78 82 97 97
22 146 127 89 92 70 69 94 96
23 156 163 77 79 102 107 95 95
24 130 124 69 79 58 60 95 95
25 142 140 96 90 91 93 98 98
26 139 138 89 88 80 83 98 98
27 116 130 76 76 75 68 97  
28 132 135 77 76 62 62 95 96
29 122 124 64 58 58 58 97 97
30 109 116 64 67 80 82 98 97
31 157 160 77 78 76 78 97 98