Fig. 3.
Ouabain is unable to induce senolysis in etoposide-treated senescent END-MSCs. Validation of the etopisode-induced senescence model for END-MSCs: a proliferation ability, b cell size, c autofluorescence levels and d SA-β-Gal activity, e phosphorylation level of Rb and expression levels of p21 and HMGB1 proteins. f Relative cell viability (%) of control and senescent cells after treatment with 10–6 ouabain. Values are mean ± SD. For multiple groups comparisons at a one-way ANOVA was applied, n = 3, ns not significant, ***p < 0.001. For pair comparisons at b, c, d, f Welch’s t test was used, n = 3 for b, c, f n = 50 for d, ns not significant, *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001. Scale bars for images are 500 μm. GAPDH was used as loading control