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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Clin Neurophysiol. 2021 Aug 30;132(12):3197–3206. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.07.028

Table 1.

Clinical and demographic information of patients included in this study.

Pt No. Sex Age (yr) Handedness Age at Onset (yr) Epilepsy Duration (yr) Seizure Frequency No. of ASMs Brain MRIa IEDs SEEG-detected SOZ Surgical Approach Pathologyb Surgical Outcomec

1 F 23 R 17 6 Few times/ week 3 L TO CD L FT/TP L Basomesial T L T Lobectomy FCDI ILAE-1
2 M 26 R 10 16 2–3/ week 5 NL L T/FT L Mesiobasal FT NA NA NA
3 M 53 R 48 5 2–4/ week 4 NL NA L T Pole + Amy L ATL sparing Hip FCD IB ILAE-1
4 M 56 R 5 51 Daily 3 Bi PNH L TPO L mesial T Nodule Nodule ablation NA ILAE-1
5 F 56 R 36 20 Daily 3 NL L TP/R T L Mesial T L ATL FCD I ILAE-5
6 M 45 R 37 8 1/ week 2 R PNH NA R PNH + Hip + Amy Nodule ablation NA ILAE-1
7 M 17 R 2 15 Few times/ week 3 NL L CP L Mesial P L mesial P corticectomy FCD IIA ILAE-4
8 M 39 R 11 28 Daily 1 NL NA L anterior In + ACC NA NA NA
9 F 16 R 8 8 1–2/ month 2 Bi PNH Bi TP R PNH + Hip + Amy R ATL Heterotopia follow-up < 1 yr
10 M 32 R 7 25 2–3/ week. 3 NL NA R superior T Gyrus R lateral T corticectomy FCD IC ILAE-1
11 F 17 R 1 16 Daily 3 R In EM NA R orF R orF corticectomy FCD IIB ILAE-1
12 M 18 R 6 12 1 cluster/ month 1 R PNH R FP R FT including PNH Nodule ablation followed by R FT lobectomy Heterotopia + FCD IB follow-up < 1 yr
13 F 43 L 2 41 Daily 3 NL Bi FT L orF L orF corticectomy FCD IB follow-up < 1 yr
14 F 18 R 9 9 Few times/ week 3 NL NA R In R In ablation NA follow-up < 1 yr
15 M 25 R 20 5 Few times/ month 3 Bi PNH R FT/L F R PNH + lateral T + Pop Nodule ablation NA follow-up < 1 yr
16 M 14 R 10 4 Daily 2 R P EM R H/R CP R mesial precuneus R mesial P corticectomy FCD IIA follow-up < 1 yr
17 F 16 R 5 11 Daily 2 NL R H R lateral FP NA NA NA
18 M 24 R 12 12 1/ 1–2 week 3 Bi PNH Bi TPO L Amy + R basal T including PNH Nodule ablation NA follow-up < 1 yr
19 M 21 L 16 5 Few times/ week 4 Bi PNH NA R PNH + Hip + Amy R ATL Heterotopia + FCD IB follow-up < 1 yr

MRI findings were defined by official radiological report.


Pathology were classified based on the ILAE 2016 recommendation of neuropathologic workup of epilepsy surgery brain tissue and the ILAE 2011 FCD classification guidelines.


Surgical outcome was defined by the ILAE classifications in patients with > 1 year postoperative follow-up.

Pt No.= patient number; yr= years; No. of ASMs = number of antiseizure medications; MRI= magnetic resonance image; IEDs = interictal epileptiform discharges on scalp EEG; SEEG= Stereo-electroencephalography; SOZ= seizure onset zone; F= female; M= male; R= right; L= left; TO= temporooccipital; CD= cortical dysplasia; FT= frontotemporal; TP= temporoparietal; T= temporal; FCD= Focal cortical dysplasia; ILAE= international league against epilepsy; NL= non-lesional; NA= not available; Amy= amygdala; ATL= anterior temporal lobectomy; Hip= hippocampus; TPO= temporo-parieto-occipital; Bi= bilateral; PNH= periventricular nodular heterotopia; CP= centroparietal; P= parietal; In= insula; ACC= anterior cingulate cortex; EM= encephalomalacia; orF= orbital frontal; FP= frontoparietal; F= frontal; Pop = parietal operculum; H= hemisphere.