A) Venn-diagram representing overlaps between individual genes from the ATBΔ, LTBI-RiskΔ and LTBIΔ-Other treatment signatures as defined in Figures 2, 3 and 4. B) Heatmap representing the log fold change expression upon treatment and C) individual z-scores pre and post treatment for the 21 overlapping genes between the LTBI-RiskΔ and ATBΔ treatment signatures across LTBI-Risk, LTBI-Other and ATB cohorts. For B), if a gene was mapped to several probes, average expression of all probes was shown. D) Immune cell type-specific expression in the 21 overlapping genes between the LTBI-RiskΔ and ATBΔ treatment signatures. Each bar consists of stacked sub-bars showing the TPM normalized expression of every gene in corresponding cell type, extracted from the DICE database 34 (http://dice-database.org/). E) top-10 biological pathways enriched in the 21 overlapping genes between the LTBI-RiskΔ and ATBΔ treatment signatures. Biological pathways were ranked with increasing adjusted p value and dotted line represents significance threshold (adjusted p value < 0.05).