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. 2021 Oct 21;20(2):2037–2047. doi: 10.1007/s40200-021-00919-8

Table 1.

Characteristics of anti-oxidative vitamins’ effects on lipid profiles in meta-analysis of clinical trials

Study anti-oxidative vitamin/Control meta-analyzed studies (n)/ disorders Participants Intervention Main outcome Effective dose Quality assessment AMSTAR score
Sample size (n) Age (yr) Sex Dose/Frequency Duration (w)
Vitamin D
Wang et al. 2012 [19] Vit. D / placebo 12/ Healthy, obese, T2DM overweight 1346 18–80 both 300–3332 IU /d 6–48 sig. TC (3.23, 95%CI: 0.55, 5.9) non-sig effect on others NR Yes 10
Manousopoulou et al. 2015 [20] Vit. D/ placebo 8/ obesity 4827 26–67 both 1000—7000 IU/d; 20,000—50,000 IU/ w; 120,000 IU fortnightly 6 –192

↑sig. LDL-C (0.77, 95% CI:

2.71, 23.59) non-sig effect on others

NR Yes 11
Jafari et al. 2016 [22] Vit. D/ placebo 17/T2DM 1365 UN both 1000—7000 IU/d 8 – 192

↓ sig. TG (-3.74, 95% CI:

-7.13, -0.34), ↓ sig. LDL-C (-2.55, 95% CI: -4.83, -0.26) non-sig effect on others

 ≤ 2000 IU/d Yes 9
Tabrizi et al. 2017 [23] Vit. D/ placebo 7/ NAFLD 452 18–75 both 1000 IU/d-50000 IU/w 10–12 non-sig change NR Yes 10
Xu et al. 2017 [24] Vit. D/ placebo 6/ PCOS 156 18–30 F 400 IU/d-50000 IU/w 3–24

↓ sig. TG (-38.09, 95% CI:

-17.72, -57.57) non-sig effect on LDL-C

 < 50000 IU once weekly Yes 10
Mirhosseiniet al. 2018 [39] Vit D3/placebo 38/ Healthy, T2DM, overweight, obese, PCOS, hypercholesteremia 4734 22–72 both 400–12,000 IU/d 12–240

↓ sig. TC (-5.8, 95% CI:

-9.667, -1.546)

↓ sig. LDL-C (-3.867, 95% CI:-7.734, -0.116)

↓ sig. TG (-4.64, 95% CI:

-8.89, -0.12)

↑ sig. HDL-C (3.48, 95% CI: 0.00, 6.57)

 < 4000 IU/d for TC, and HDL-C Yes 9
Swart et al. 2018 [25] Vit. D/ placebo 12/obese, prediabetes, osteoporotic 2994 20- > 70 both 200 IU/d-40000 IU/w 16–48 ↓ sig. LDL-C by different serum level of Vit D:(-3.87, 95% CI: − 7.73, − 0.00) by Vit D < 75 nmol/l NR Yes 9
Dibaba et al. 2019 [27] Vit. D/ placebo 41/ healthy, obese or overweight 3434  ≥ 18 both 20–8570 IU/d 8–144

↓ sig. TC (-6.57, 95% CI:

–10.83, –2.32)

↓ sig. LDL-C (-4.64, 95% CI: -8.89, –0.39)

↓ sig. TG (-13.29, 95% CI:

–21.26, –5.31) non-sig effect on HDL-C

NR Yes 9
Gasparri et al. 2019 [28] Vit. D-fortified yogurt /non-fortified yogurt 5/ T2DM, prediabetes, MetS 469  ≥ 18 both 400 -2000 IU/d 8 -16

↓ sig. TC (-13.38, 95% CI: − 20.19, − 6.56)

↓ sig. LDL-C (-7.86, 95% CI: − 15.35, − 0.37)

↓ sig. TG (-30.12, 95% CI: − 43.22, − 17.02)

NR Yes 10
Ostadmohammadi et al. 2019 [29] Vit. D/Placebo 8/CAD 630 46–78 both 50000 IU/ 2w 8–36 ↑sig. HDL-C: (3.08; 95% CI: 1.42, 4.73) non-sig effect on others NR Yes 9
Milajerdi et al. 2019 [30] Vit D3/placebo 17/ CKD 1781 18–78 both 0.03–0.5 mcg/d calcitriol, 40,000–300,000 IU/w in different times 3–52

↓sig. TG: (− 32.52; 95% CI: − 57.57, − 7.47),

↓sig. TC: (− 7.93; 95% CI:

 − 13.03, − 2.83), non-sig effect on others

NR Yes 11
AlAnouti et al. 2020 [32] Vit. D/ placebo 4/ MetS 232  > 18 both 2000 IU/d-50000 IU/w 8—48

↑sig. TG (30.67, 95% CI:

4.89, 56.45) non-sig effect on others

NR Yes 11
Guo et al. 2020 [34] Vit. D/ placebo 10/ NAFLD 544 25–65 both 1000 IU/d-50000 IU/w 10–48 non-sig change NR Yes 10
Hauger et al. 2020 [35] Vit. D/ placebo 14/obese, overweight, normal weight children, adolescents 1088 4–19 both 10–125 µg/d, 1250–7500 µg/w 4–26

↑sig. LDL-C (4.25, 95% CI:

0.77, 7.73)

NR Yes 11
Jin et al. 2020 [13] Vit. D/ placebo 8/PCOS 467 UN F 2500–12,000 IU/d 8–24

↓ sig. TG (-11.88, 95% CI:

- 17.03, -6.73)

↓ sig. TC (-9.09, 95% CI:

- 14.90, -3.29)

↓ sig. LDL-C (-5.22, 95% CI:- 10.32, -0.13)

↓ sig. VLDL-C (-2.43, 95% CI:- 3.69, -1.17) non-sig effect on HDL-C

 < 4000 IU/d for TC, LDL-C, VLDL-C Yes 11
Miao et al. 2020 [37] Vit. D/ placebo 11/PCOS 285 18–40 F 400 IU/d- 50,000 IU/w 8–24

↓ sig. TC (-11.90, 95% CI:

-15.67 to -8.13)

↓ sig. LDL-C (-4.54, 95% CI:-7.29 to -1.80) non-sig effect on others

NR Yes 10
Vitamin C
McRae et al. 2008 [18] Vit. C/ placebo 13/ hypercholesterolemia 549 48–82 both 500–2000 mg/d 3–24

↓ sig. LDL-C (-7.9, 95% CI: -12.3, -3.5)

↓ sig. TG (-20.1, 95% CI:

-33.3, -6.8)

non-sig effect on HDL-C

NR Yes 7
Ashor et al. 2016 [21] Vit. C/ placebo 40/ healthy, T2DM, CKD, HTN, CAD, hyperlipidemia 1981 20–81 both 125–4500 mg/d 2–240

No significant change in lipid profile

↓sig. TC/↓sig. TG in subgroup (TC serum > 205 mg/dl: (-11.6, 95%CI:

-19.72, -3.48), TG (-15.06, 95%CI: -26.57, -4.43)

NR Yes 11
Vitamin E
Huang et al. 2015 [17] Vit E-coated dialyzer/ non-Vit. E coated 3/ hemodialysis patients 111 39–75 both NR 6–10 non-sig change NR Yes 11
Zuo et al. 2020 [38] Tocotrienols (Vit. E family) / placebo 15/healthy, DM, fatty liver, MetS, hyperlipidemia, other disorders 931  > 18 both 50—600 mg/d 4–72 ↑sig. HDL-C: (5.65, 95% CI: 2.55, 8.7), non-sig. effect on others ↓sig. TG and ↑sig. HDL-C in doses ≥ 200 mg/d Yes 9
Chen et al. 2017 [14] Vit D + calcium/placebo 9/ Healthy, overweight, T2DM 2336 20–73 both Dietary calcium + 125 IU/d-50000 IU/w Vit D 2–240 non-sig change NR Yes 10
Asbaghi et al. 2019 [26] Omega-3 FAs + Vit. E/ placebo 5/ metabolic disorders, overweight 254 24–65 both Vit. E 400 IU/d, Omega-3 400–1800 mg/d 8–12

↓ sig. LDL-C (-8.07, 95% CI:-15.10, -1.05)

↓ sig. TG (-28.34, 95% CI:

-37.44, -19.22)

non-sig effect on others

NR Yes 10
Sepidarkish et al. 2019 [31] Omega-3 FAs + Vit. E/ placebo 9/ healthy, GDM, T2DM, PCOS, hemodialysis patients, CVDs 640 19–76 both 1000–4000 mg FAS + 400 IU Vit. E/d 6–13 ↓sig. VLDL-C: (-2.96, 95%CI: -5.84, -0.09), non-sig. effect on others NR Yes 9
Dehbalaei et al. 2020 [33] Mg + Vit. E/ placebo 4/ DF, PCOS, GDM 237 25–58 both Mg 250 mg/d, Vit. E 400 IU/d 6 -12

↓ sig. TC (-15.89, 95% CI:

-24.39, -7.39)

↓ sig. LDL-C (-11.37, 95% CI:-19.32,-3.41)

↓ sig. TG (-26.97, 95% CI:

-46.03,-7.90) non-sig effect on HDL-C

Mg 250 mg/d, Vit. E 400 IU/d Yes 9
Jiang et al. 2020 [36] Omega-3 FAs + Vit.(D, E)/ placebo 5/GDM, prediabetes 334 25–55 F 1000–2000 mg omega-3/ 400 IU vit. E/ 50,000 IU vit. D every 2w 6–8

↓ sig. TG (-28.29, 95% CI:

-38.94, -17.64) non-sig effect on others

NR Yes 10

Legend: Vit. vitamin, TC total cholesterol, TG triglyceride, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, NAFLD Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome, GDM gestational diabetes mellitus, T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus, MetS Metabolic syndrome, DF diabetic foot, Fas Fatty acids, CKD Chronic kidney disease, CVDs Cardiovascular diseases, CAD Coronary artery disease, Mg Magnesium, NR Not reported, NA Not access, F Female, d Day, w week