Deletion size (bp) | Sequencea | Extent of homology between direct repeats (bases) |
16 | CATGGAGACAtctactggtggtgacaAAGTTTTCGA | 7 of 8 |
18 | ATTTACGTTGGTtcccgtattttatttggtCTATCAAAG | 8 of 11 |
18 | CTTCTACATTGGctctctattattcattggACTTTTAGT | 9 of 11 |
18 | ATATCTCTGTTTtcctgttcttagctgtttGGATCTTAT | 6 of 6 |
38 | TATTTACGTTGGttcc…gaacaagttggCTCCTAAA | 6 of 7 |
38 | CGTTGGTTCCCgtat…caagttggctcctAAATTCCT | 8 of 10 |
42 | GTTCCATACATtgca…tttggcttacatGGAGACATC | 6 of 7 |
49 | GGTGCTGGGGTtacc…gtgcctggggtCCAGGTAT | 7 of 7 |
51 | GATTAACGCTGCcttc…tggtgaagctgcAAACCCCA | 7 of 9 |
59 | AATGCCCGGCTTggct…gtttcacggcttTTGCACCA | 8 of 10 |
99 | CCATACATTGCAGtttt…ctggtgttgcagGCTTTTTT | 6 of 6 |
108 | AAAGGTGGTGTTccat…tatcactggtgttGCAGGCTT | 7 of 7 |
336 | TGTATTGGTTTTCttgg…taggttgggtttcCTCTTTGAT | 8 of 9 |
Deleted sequence is shown in lowercase. Imperfect direct repeats are underlined. Bases that differ within each repeat pair are shown in italics.