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. 2021 Nov;111(11):2036–2045. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2021.306484


Prevalence of Leave Length After Delivery Among Women With a Recent Live Birth by Selected Characteristics: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 10 US Sites, 2016–2018

Characteristicsa Total No.b Leave Length
< 3 Mo, % (95% CI)c ≥ 3 Mo, % (95% CI)c χ2 P
Total 12 301 66.2 (65.1, 67.3) 33.8 (32.7, 34.9)
Type of leaved < .001
 No paid leave 5 670 70.4 (68.8, 72.0) 29.6 (28.0, 31.2)
 Any paid leave 6 631 62.8 (61.3, 64.3) 37.2 (35.7, 38.7)
Maternal race and Hispanic origin < .001
 Hispanic 1 276 56.8 (53.0, 60.6) 43.2 (39.4, 47.0)
 Non-Hispanic White 7 303 69.2 (67.9, 70.5) 30.8 (29.5, 32.1)
 Non-Hispanic Black 2 177 61.2 (58.1, 64.2) 38.8 (35.8, 41.9)
 Non-Hispanic othere 1 545 61.5 (58.0, 64.9) 38.5 (35.1, 42.0)
Maternal age, y < .001
 18−24 1 506 78.0 (74.9, 80.8) 22.0 (19.2, 25.1)
 25−34 7 800 66.9 (65.5, 68.3) 33.1 (31.7, 34.5)
 ≥ 35 2 995 57.8 (55.4, 60.1) 42.2 (39.9, 44.6)
Maternal education < .001
 ≤ high school diploma or GED 2 199 71.2 (68.4, 73.9) 28.8 (26.1, 31.6)
 Some college or associate’s degree 3 337 73.2 (71.1, 75.1) 26.8 (24.9, 28.9)
 Bachelor’s or higher degree 6 765 61.2 (59.7, 62.7) 38.8 (37.3, 40.3)
Marital status < .001
 Married 8 522 64.5 (63.2, 65.8) 35.5 (34.2, 36.8)
 Unmarried 3 779 70.1 (67.9, 72.2) 29.9 (27.8, 32.1)
Household income by federal poverty level, % < .001
 ≤ 100 2 147 72.0 (69.1, 74.6) 28.0 (25.4, 30.9)
 > 100–200 2 333 73.7 (71.2, 76.0) 26.3 (24.0, 28.8)
 > 200 7 821 62.6 (61.2, 64.0) 37.4 (36.0, 38.8)
Parity .001
 Primiparous 5 524 63.9 (62.2, 65.6) 36.1 (34.4, 37.8)
 Multiparous 6 777 67.9 (66.4, 69.4) 32.1 (30.6, 33.6)
Gestational age at delivery, wk < .001
 Preterm, < 37 1 992 55.5 (52.0, 59.0) 44.5 (41.0, 48.0)
 Term, ≥ 37 10 309 67.0 (65.9, 68.2) 33.0 (31.8, 34.1)
Site < .001
 Maryland 1 016 68.6 (65.3, 71.7) 31.4 (28.3, 34.7)
 Massachusetts 2 114 56.6 (54.0, 59.3) 43.4 (40.7, 46.0)
 Minnesota 743 67.8 (64.0, 71.4) 32.2 (28.6, 36.0)
 Missouri 1 503 83.0 (80.8, 85.0) 17.0 (15.0, 19.2)
 North Carolina 411 79.1 (74.3, 83.1) 20.9 (16.9, 25.7)
 New Hampshire 668 69.0 (64.7, 73.0) 31.0 (27.0, 35.3)
 New York State 936 64.7 (60.8, 68.4) 35.3 (31.6, 39.2)
 New York City 1 666 44.3 (41.7, 47.0) 55.7 (53.0, 58.3)
 Vermont 1 593 65.0 (62.6, 67.4) 35.0 (32.6, 37.4)
 Wisconsin 1 651 79.3 (76.6, 81.9) 20.7 (18.1, 23.4)

Note. CI = confidence interval; GED = general equivalency diploma.


Type of leave and household income by federal poverty level were obtained from Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) survey data. All other characteristics were obtained from birth certificate data available in the PRAMS data set.


Unweighted sample size.


Weighted % (95% CI).


No paid leave included women reporting no leave and those reporting unpaid leave only. Any paid leave included women reporting paid leave only and those reporting both paid and unpaid leave.


Included women who self-reported as American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or mixed race or other non-White on the birth certificate.