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. 2021 Oct 5;23(11):1992–1999. doi: 10.1111/jch.14367


Characteristics of HICH associated with location

Lobar HICH (N = 51) Non‐lobar HICH (N = 143) p value
Age (years) 66 (64.7 ± 16.6) 57 (59.3 ± 16.8) >.01
Sex <.01
Male 26 116
Female 25 27
History of diabetes
Yes, n(%) 6 (11.8) 24 (16.8) >.01
Smoking history
Yes, n(%) 3 (5.9) 21 (14.7) >.01
History of drinking
Yes, n(%) 4 (7.8) 20 (14.0) >.01
History of hyperlipidemia
Yes, n(%) 9 (17.6) 35 (24.5) >.01
Blood pressure classification
high normal BP (%) 8 (15.7) 9 (6.3) >.01
grade 1 hypertension (%) 19 (37.3) 34 (23.8) >.01
grade 2 hypertension (%) 12 (23.5) 34 (23.8) >.01
grade 3 hypertension (%) 12 (23.5) 66 (46.1) <.01
Volume, median (IQR) 40.7 (23.1, 62.6) 16.4 (6.4, 36.9) <.01

HICH indicated hypertension intracerebral hemorrhage.

BP indicated blood pressure.

Continuous variables failing to conform to normality were thus expressed as median (inter quartile range, IQR).