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. 2020 Jul 18;73(9):e3486–e3495. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa780

Table 1.

Characteristics of the Study Cohort

Characteristic Counts % Developed Active TB
Total 2 Years 5 Years
All 37 163 100 329 126 198
Age at migration, y
 ≤14 4334 11.7 15 8 9
 15–34 19 510 52.5 132 64 94
 35–75 13 319 35.8 156 54 95
Country of birth TB incidence (per 100 000)
 0–9 455 1.2 2 1 2
 10–29 2612 7.0 4 2 4
 30–49 2273 6.1 5 4 5
 50–99 6123 16.5 19 13 15
 100–199 9805 26.4 87 36 56
 200+ 15 877 42.7 186 70 116
 Male 13 379 36.0 142 53 89
 Female 23 784 64.0 161 73 109
Test resultsa
 TST 5–9 mm 4860 13.08 13 4 7
 TST 10–14 mm 14 801 39.83 83 31 50
 TST 15+mm 15 437 41.54 197 84 132
 IGRA negative 3214 8.6 2 1 2
 IGRA positive 636 1.7 9 6 8
 Never vaccinated 15 054 40.5 184 56 105
 Vaccinated age <2 years 21 188 57.0 117 69 91
 Vaccinated age ≥2 years 921 2.5 2 1 2
Recent contact
 None 32 001 86.1 253 104 168
 Close 1983 5.3 29 12 17
 Casual 3179 8.6 21 10 13
Recent TST conversion
 No 36 357 97.8 303 126 198
 Yes 806 2.2 0 0 0
Carcinoma of the head and neck
 No 37 145 99.9 303 126 198
 Yes 18 0.1 0 0 0
 No 36 962 99.5 300 124 196
 Yes 201 0.5 3 2 2
 No 35 134 94.5 281 115 182
 Yes 2029 5.5 22 11 16
Human immunodeficiency virus
 No 37 109 99.9 300 124 195
 Yes 54 0.2 3 2 3
 No 37 137 99.9 303 126 198
 Yes 26 0.1 0 0 0
Treated with glucocorticoids
 No 36 743 98.9 298 124 196
 Yes 420 1.1 5 2 2
Treated with tumor necrosis factor
 No 37 143 99.9 301 125 196
 Yes 20 0.1 2 1 2

Abbreviations: IGRA, interferon gamma release assay; TB, tuberculosis; TST, tuberculin skin test.

aSum of counts will not be equal to the overall count (n = 36 173) as 44.5% of individuals with negative IGRA results had no previous TST results, while 8.0%, 28.1%, and 19.4% had previous TST results of 5–9 mm, 10–14 mm, and 15+ mm, respectively. TST data from those with positive IGRA results were not considered, consistent with the TSTin3D’s algorithm.

bBCG vaccination for all individuals was inferred from vaccination policies in the country and year of birth, as reported in the BCG World Atlas [13].