Table 3:
Candidate Quantitative Composite Knee Scores in the Development Cohort
Score | Calculation |
Principal Component 1** | Sum of CDI in the lateral and medial patella and BML in the medial patella |
Principal Component 2* | Sum of BML in lateral and medial tibia |
Principal Component 3* | Sum of CDI in the lateral patella, effusion-synovitis volume, and BML in the lateral patella |
Principal Component 4* | Sum of CDI in the medial femur and tibia and BML in the medial femur |
Principal Component 5* | Sum of BML in lateral femur, medial femur, and lateral patella |
Principal Component 6* | Sum of CDI in the lateral femur and tibia |
PCA-Weighted Total | Sum of all 13 measurements, weighted by the principal component loading |
Inverse variance weighting Total | Sum of all 13 measures, Inverse variance weighted |
Unweighted Total** | Sum of all 13 measurements (simple addition) |
Cumulative Cartilage Damage** | Sum of all 6 CDI measures |
BML+Effusion-Synovitis** | Sum of all 6 BML and effusion-synovitis measures |
Whole knee BML volume | Sum of all 6 BML measures |
Whole knee Effusion-Synovitis Volume | Sum of all effusion-synovitis volumes |
All knee composite scores based on the principal components analysis are multiplied by the eigenvector for the component and divided by the sum of the eigenvectors of the 6 components.
Met criteria for further testing in the validation cohort.
PCA = principal component analysis, BML = bone marrow lesion, CDI = cartilage damage index